OS X file sharing (SMB) question

in macOS edited January 2014
I have a friend of mine who is using Mac OS X on a nice QuickSilver G4 in a mostly PC office. They are having problems with the Mac accessing shared volumes, and since they don't know the Mac well, it gets blamed. I'm hoping someone can help me sort it out so they view their Mac as a friend, not a foe.

They are using AppleTalk to access these volumes -- but clicking on them in the Finder causes it to randomly crash with:

*** malloc[512]: error for object 0x2a5ff9: Incorrect check sum for freed object - object was probably modified after beeing freed; break at szone_error

...so it looks like Apple has issues with their own AppleTalk implementation (at least with the server they are using here), so we can't use that.

I have determined that they are using SMB on their machine to serve the files to Windows clients. I am able to connect to the server with this url:


...then the "SMB/CIFS Filesystem Authentification" dialog box comes up with the Workgroup/Domain already filled in ("EASTAVE1"). However, any combination of username/password results in:

"No file services are available at the URL smb://Eastave1;CORPCOMMSERV1/Burn/ - Try again later or try a different URL (server returned error 1)"

So it looks like I have the proper connection URL, but it is failing on authentification for some reason. They are running a stock NT 4 Server box (with SP 4 installed -- a bit out of date). It would greatly help easing the Mac into their workplace if I could get it working as a proper LAN citizen.

Does anyone have any advice (other than "Use DAVE and/or Sharity" -- they don't want to have to purchase any software)?


  • Reply 1 of 3
    [quote]Originally posted by moki:

    <strong>Does anyone have any advice (other than "Use DAVE and/or Sharity" -- they don't want to have to purchase any software)?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Actually, I think this might be related to password encryption. NT4 by default *only* connects to shares that support encrypted passwords, and out-of-the-box, Samba does not provide those.

    Download <a href="ftp://kawoserv.kawo2.rwth-aachen.de/pub/Updates&Patches/Windows/Plain_Password/NT4_PlainPassword.reg"; target="_blank">this .REG file</a> to the NT4 machine, and double-click it (need to have admin privileges). Then reboot, and NT4 will accept plain text passwords too if encrypted ones aren't available.


  • Reply 2 of 3
    mokimoki Posts: 551member
    hrm... thanks, I'd like to give that a shot, but I can't download it -- it says a user/password is required...
  • Reply 3 of 3
    [quote]Originally posted by moki:

    <strong>hrm... thanks, I'd like to give that a shot, but I can't download it -- it says a user/password is required...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Sorry about that, didn't know anonymous access is denied.

    Just copy and paste the following into a new file named "EnablePlainPasswords.reg" or something:


    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Ser vices\\Rdr\\Parameters]


    (Besides, make sure you have NT4 Service Pack 3 or higher installed).

    Hope that helps,


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