2007-009 Security Update: Can't install as admin

in macOS edited January 2014
For some reason, I can't install the latest security update, which Apple seems to be pushing pretty hard.

If I run it from Software Update, I got a message telling me I do not have the "appropriate access privileges". This is despite that fact that I'm an admin user and I entered the correct password. Furthermore, when I downloaded the update and tried to run it from a .pkg file, it wouldn't let me install it on my hard drive.

Then I decided to switch to a second admin user account and I was able to install that update?

Any ideas as to why this happened? Is it possible some files were created in that second user's name that needed to be overwritten?


  • Reply 1 of 1
    Most likely the Admin account got it's Admin powers taken away by something. make sure svreything says admin.
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