Leopard Not Shutting Down

in macOS edited January 2014
For the past week or so I've been unable to shut down Leopard 10.5.1 on Imac 2.4 without eventually pushing the power button.

I believe the problem lies with Finder because I will get a message that it is unable to shut down Finder. If I force quit Finder it still will not shut down because then I lose the tool bar and can't select Shut Down.

This morning just as an experiment I booted up and had a screen that only showed the desktop picture (no Finder). I started Finder and then hit Shut Down and the unit would not shut down.

Any suggestions or fixes are appreciated as this is my first Mac. I do use Time Machine so I suppose that is an option also, but I'd rather understand what's going on, since I used to be pretty good trouble shooting my PC.

Thanks and Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all.


  • Reply 1 of 2
    I called Apple Care this morn and they promptly solved the problem. They had me delete the caches folder in the hard drive library and home Library. I also had to unplug all cables and the power cord from the back of the iMac.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    Originally Posted by Bassesq View Post

    I called Apple Care this morn and they promptly solved the problem. They had me delete the caches folder in the hard drive library and home Library. I also had to unplug all cables and the power cord from the back of the iMac.

    Also be aware of the .Mac iDisk Automatically Update bug. If this selection is made, the new iMacs running Leopard will not Restart or Shut Down gracefully, requiring the manual push of the power button. The temporary fix is to select the Manually Update option in the System Preferences/.Mac/iDisk preference pane.
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