PSP Slim and Light iBook G4 internal Airport Extreme

in Genius Bar edited January 2014

I have been reading countless threads all over the internet for days now, trying to find a solution to my problem, but I am unable to find any help. If this is in the wrong area or it has already been answered I appologize for my unability for find the post.

I have an iBook 1.2 GHz G4 powerpc OS X 10.4.11

I do not have a router, instead I want to open a secure wireless network through my internal Airport Extreme card (I am connected to the internet through my ethernet card). I am not sure if my wireless network is set up correctly, I do not know what I truly need to do. What I did was open system preferences, then I went to file sharing, I enabled personal web sharing (so I can use it through my firewall) I clicked on the Internet tab, then clicked on Airport alternative, named the network, clicked on activate encription with WEP, entered my password, and chose 128 bit encription. Then I selected ok, and started the internet sharing by clicking on the button.

I then went through with the PSP device to connect, and everything was fine until it got to the Password section, PSP wants the WEP key, not the password. It specifically asks for it. So to trouble shoot so make sure everything works, I just turned off WEP encription to see if it would even connect, and it does, so that is good!

I then turned WEP back on and have been trying to find where the WEP key is stored. I have read numerous posts stating I can find the WEP key in my Key Chain Access found under the Utilities folder in my Applications directory, but there exists no WEP Key in that section. Then I read posts that said I can find my WEP Key under the Airport Administration program, but nothing exists there either, it appears that program is used for a router which I do not have. So my question is, do I even have a WEP key? If so, where can I find it, or do I need to setup my network differently?

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Thanks a lot in advance



  • Reply 1 of 2
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,439moderator
    Originally Posted by Vikingen View Post

    I clicked on the Internet tab, then clicked on Airport alternative, named the network, clicked on activate encription with WEP, entered my password, and chose 128 bit encription. Then I selected ok, and started the internet sharing by clicking on the button.

    I then went through with the PSP device to connect, and everything was fine until it got to the Password section, PSP wants the WEP key, not the password. It specifically asks for it. So to trouble shoot so make sure everything works, I just turned off WEP encription to see if it would even connect, and it does, so that is good!

    It does use the password that you enter but at the bottom of the internet sharing panel for the encryption, it says if you are using non-Apple devices, your password has to be a certain length. Use a 5 character password for 40-bit encryption and a 13 character password for 128-bit WEP.

    The PSP does raise an error if you use anything that isn't the right length. To get it working, try setting the Mac to 40-bit and use 'trial' for the password without quotes. Then try and connect using the PSP and use 'trial' when it asks for the key. That works ok on my PSP.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    Thank you very much!

    Sorry for the late replay, I have not had a chance to play with my PSP in the last few days due to school work..... but I just tried your suggestion, and it works perfectly!

    Again thanks a million!
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