Ultra Mobile Touch Screen - add your guess

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
What is everyone guessing on what could be the rumored ultra mobile touch screen?

There was some mention of a device 150% of the size of the which be about right for a 7 inch screen giving us approximately 3.5"x6" in dims

Beyond that, my personal guess would be that the device has

a full OS X so it can use full applications not specialized mini applications

with 200 GB Drive, 2GB Ram, bluetooth, wifi and cellular broadband.

Wish list would include a mini-dvi to connect to a projector or display for presentations and a means to sync with your desktop.

Why would they make this?

1. It would be great for business people for email, web business applications and presentations using a projector.

2. It would allow for great video viewing on a plane ride renting a movie from i-tunes

3. it would not require specialized applications to be written.


  • Reply 1 of 8
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member
    I think this would be about 10" or so, consider it the Deconstructed Subnotebook meets the Multi-Touch slate tablet…

  • Reply 2 of 8
    Would you guys please stop posting this dumb picture all over the place already!
  • Reply 3 of 8
    tx65tx65 Posts: 31member
    Originally Posted by MacRonin View Post

    I think this would be about 10" or so, consider it the Deconstructed Subnotebook meets the Multi-Touch slate tablet?


    it is very neat looking concept and I appreciate it being posted to give others a conceptual idea,,, one thing to keep in my mind is the user base for such a device.

    While a tablet pc with larger screen is quite slick,, I think the largest device you could get way with would be one that fits in a day runner running mate organizer page size... why? you ask,,, because it a size standard people are very comfortable with - especially business people (executives, sales people) who make up a huge customer market.

    For example, a day runner running mate has a page size of 3 3/4" x 6 3/4" and an approximately 3.5" by 6" screen would fit right inside there.

    fit the external dims of a device into the running mate page size and keep the thickness to no more than 1/2 inch and it is device a person could slide into their sport coat inside pocket which would be awesome for business travelers fatigued by the security lines at the airport and always having to unpack their laptops when they can leave a PDA in the bag.

    Increasing the screen size to 10" would make the device too large to capture a huge business market. Compaq had a tablet out in the mid 90's that was reasonable in price by lap top standards of the day and it didn't do well. People I knew at Compaq said it didn't define its own market, it just become another lap top.

    A slightly smaller device (7 inch screen), I believe would define its own market especially with business people.
  • Reply 4 of 8
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member
    Originally Posted by isabella8290 View Post

    Would you guys please stop posting this dumb picture all over the place already!


  • Reply 5 of 8
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    I agree. Its cute but I personally don't like it myself. I think Apple can be a little more creative than that. Besides, hasn't anyone checked out some other Apple patents concerning ultitouch touchscreen improvements AND that rumor over at looprumors concerning multi-screen mactouches? MMmmmm......scrumptious!
  • Reply 6 of 8
    Very simple really. No Switches, No sockets.

    Wireless recharging and syncing.
  • Reply 7 of 8
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    11" or maybe 10.
  • Reply 8 of 8
    tx65tx65 Posts: 31member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    11" or maybe 10.

    Looks like the latest news flash on the main page seems to be following the lines of the previous rumor of a device 150% the size of the I-phone which would be a 7 inch screen.
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