Is anyone else fed up?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
What the hell happened?

After all the hype, the RDF, the overblown tag lines (someone please tell me they can be sued for misrepresentation) all we get is a crummy 800Mhz lamp?

The new imac looks cool - ish but that just about sums up Apple's attitude these days. They are more concerned about winning column inches and design awards than creating computers. What kind of world do they live in? I can buy a 2GHZ P4 with full tower, slots, full drive bays, DVD-r, CDRW, GeForce 3 et all plus a 15 inch LCD running XP Home for 1100 gbpounds.

When are apple going to realise that we want raw uncompromising, unquestionable PowerMac Power? Where is the G5? Why do so many mac users keep making excuses for apple and moto? We have 15 G4 400s and have been waiting to up them to something reasonable for some time (never mind the lack of X software - photoshop, premiere, Director, Dreamweaver etc) and all we get is 800Mhz. How can anyone justify the kind of prices that apple is charging?

How the hell do they keep getting it wrong? I don't know of anyone who didn't lust after the cube but wouldn't buy it because of the cost. All my students are buying Pcs because it just doesn't make sense to pay 2500 gbpounds for a dual 800 Pmac (without the monitor).

let's face it - we got suckered again. Just like it was when we believed all the Bs about how the move to PowerPC would bring us unrivalled speed and performance.

We need 3Ghz Pmacs now (flame all you want, I no longer care), blazing bus speeds, DDR, a graphics card that befits a system that supposedly is for creatives (check out the wildcat II et al), drive bays, firewire 2

When the details of MWSF were announced every one of my students just laughed at the paltry level of Apple's machines - they are the next generation of computer users - and they are not gandpa's, mums, dads and auntie vera's who think "ooh, that's a cute looking thing".

Do you think if every mac user chipped in a little cash, together we could takeover MOTO and boot those b**ta**ds into space?

I'm off to kill myself


  • Reply 1 of 22
    see the sig. live the sig.

  • Reply 2 of 22
    Apple is working hard and innovating. The new PM line will soon be here, stop crying,
  • Reply 3 of 22
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    The only thing I'm fed up with is shit like this thread. The fact that so many idiots in here think that MacWorld is a bona fide failure flies in the face of reason. I give up. Be miserable if you so choose. I for one will enjoy the good news that I'm sure I witnessed today.
  • Reply 4 of 22
    [quote]Originally posted by spooky:

    <strong>What the hell happened?

    ...What kind of world do they live in? I can buy a 2GHZ P4 with full tower, slots, full drive bays, DVD-r, CDRW, GeForce 3 et all plus a 15 inch LCD running XP Home for 1100 gbpounds.


    When are apple going to realise that we want raw uncompromising, unquestionable PowerMac Power? Where is the G5


    We need 3Ghz Pmacs now (flame all you want, I no longer care), blazing bus speeds, DDR, a graphics card that befits a system that supposedly is for creatives (check out the wildcat II et al), drive bays, firewire 2.


    I'm off to kill myself</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Apple is holding back the G5 3ghz chip because they prefer lagging behind Intel and AMD.

    You're right, they're really just fools and poor business people who just don't know how to give their customers what they want.

    Thanks for this post, though. I'm sure this will convince Apple not to hold back those 3ghz G5 chips they've been sitting on.
  • Reply 5 of 22
    [quote] Thanks for this post, though. I'm sure this will convince Apple not to hold back those 3ghz G5 chips they've been sitting on. <hr></blockquote>

    While I agree that the initial post is a little over the top, one cannot disregard the truth. And the truth is that Apple's failure to get the G5 off the ground has lead to the dreadfully poor MHz numbers this afternoon. Afterall, Steve couldn't very well have a consumer iMac blazing away at 1 GHz (faster than the PowerPC) and throw in a 15 inch flat-panel for less. f**king hoo...I like the iiMac and wasn't planning on buying a G5 anyways.
  • Reply 6 of 22
    spookyspooky Posts: 504member
    [quote]Originally posted by BuonRotto:

    <strong>The only thing I'm fed up with is shit like this thread. The fact that so many idiots in here think that MacWorld is a bona fide failure flies in the face of reason. I give up. Be miserable if you so choose. I for one will enjoy the good news that I'm sure I witnessed today.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Good news?

    Let Apple be Apple?


    That's the whole point. This is no longer Apple. This is not the Apple who gave us the IIfx, the 840AV, the G3. Do all americans have so much money that they can just buy a computer like it was a loaf of bread and not worry about it? For us in the Uk buying a computer is one of the most expensive things you can do. Christ, you could buy a car for less than the top of the range G4!!

    I bet Alias wavefront are really happy about MWSF.

    I love my G4 400 AGP. It makes working easier. However that ease of use is now meaningless and eaten way by the bloody time it takes to do anything. Rendering, video etc.

    We as a college have money to spend on computers but have to justify the cost at every step of the way and guess what? we just can't answer the panels when it comes to tricky questions like "what's wrong with this Pentium I saw in the paper for 1500 gb pounds?"

    I don't know, maybe american kids and japanese folk will love it all.

    The new imac is not about innovation. Its just about changing the shape and putting the same old tired, underpowered, out of date cr*p in it.

    I've been a mac user for over 11 years now and love the mac OS. Can someone rationally tell me how I can pursuade my (PC only) managers that I am not lying to them about the worth of Apple gear? They already put the Mhz myth argument down as just me being a mac user desperately fiddling the argument to make it look like apple's are still better value. At the end of the day if we cannot buy apple gear, apple gets no income and apple does not move forward.

    I'm still gonna kill myself
  • Reply 7 of 22
    kedakeda Posts: 722member
    They laughed? Thats funny.

    Apple is marketing themselves to two different segments of the population. When I go into the Apple Store here in VA, there many of people who are obviously attracted to the 'digital-hub' scheme. Many of these people are not geeks, but they are 'next generation of computer users.' By that, I mean regular folks...people who are attracted to smooth looking things that perform as promised.

    On more than one occasion, I've seen a group of teenage girls staring at the rotating iBook in the front window. I've also seen plenty of 'gandpa's, mums, dads and auntie vera's' perusing the stock.

    In short, Apples marketing and style may be their strongest assets. They are learning how to effectively differentiate themselves from the competition and give people a reason to use a Mac.

    Spooky, please don't take this as a flame. I am sitting here in shock because no PowerMac was released. As I said, Apple is marketing to two different segments of the population. They need to aggressively deal with the pro/geek segment. Id put myself in this group (no shit, Im posting on a Mac rumor site).

    This Pro segment already knows what they want to do and how to do it. We need 'raw uncompromising, unquestionable PowerMac Power.' We NEED to have a PPC chip that reaches the 1.4-5 Ghz mark ASAP.

    Now, when we finally get an OS that is widely respected, the Pro-Hardware needs to get up to speed.

    Sorry for the long post, I have alot on my mind.
  • Reply 8 of 22
    spookyspooky Posts: 504member
    [quote]Originally posted by Keda:

    <strong>They laughed? Thats funny.

    Apple is marketing themselves to two different segments of the population. When I go into the Apple Store here in VA, there many of people who are obviously attracted to the 'digital-hub' scheme. Many of these people are not geeks, but they are 'next generation of computer users.' By that, I mean regular folks...people who are attracted to smooth looking things that perform as promised.

    On more than one occasion, I've seen a group of teenage girls staring at the rotating iBook in the front window. I've also seen plenty of 'gandpa's, mums, dads and auntie vera's' perusing the stock.

    In short, Apples marketing and style may be their strongest assets. They are learning how to effectively differentiate themselves from the competition and give people a reason to use a Mac.

    Spooky, please don't take this as a flame. I am sitting here in shock because no PowerMac was released. As I said, Apple is marketing to two different segments of the population. They need to aggressively deal with the pro/geek segment. Id put myself in this group (no shit, Im posting on a Mac rumor site).

    This Pro segment already knows what they want to do and how to do it. We need 'raw uncompromising, unquestionable PowerMac Power.' We NEED to have a PPC chip that reaches the 1.4-5 Ghz mark ASAP.

    Now, when we finally get an OS that is widely respected, the Pro-Hardware needs to get up to speed.

    Sorry for the long post, I have alot on my mind.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Hi Keda

    I understand your post and it makes a lot of sense. But don't you feel that for past 3 or so years PowerMac users have become unimportant to Apple? All I hear is imac, ibook, home, ordinary people, isoftware, G3, G4, ATI.

    I'm an ordinary person but I don't want ianything. I took all 60 of my full time students to the Digital media Show in London where they drooled over dual and quad 1.7GHZ Pcs with blistering graphics cards and the general consensus was "Whoah!". Thus sixty young Pc users were made that day. Apple's involvement? A handful of companies running a few Bw G3s and lots of imacs with iMovie & Final Cut Pro on them. Lightwave, Max, Director, Maya, Softimage, RT500 etc all on PC.

    Right now I can honestly say that I have never in 11 years felt so much despair. Doesn't anyone at apple know how to dream anymore?
  • Reply 9 of 22
    kedakeda Posts: 722member
    I do multimedia & 3D for a living. I use LightWave in is great. But, there is no denying the fact that there are no workstation class cards available for the Mac. This is a problem...more so than a mhz lag, IMO.

    The consumer market saved Apple, so I understand its importance, but, at the same time, I do get mixed messages from their pro line.

    On one hand, OSX kicks ass, Pro-Apps are available (Maya, LW, FCP), and they seem to have some type of server strategy. But, on the other hand, they have seemed reluctant to make a really hard-core pro system. I dont mean to say that they are purposefully holding back, but they have not brought it to market despite calls from the pro crowd.

    I think the iMac is great. It brings more power than most people really need and packs it in a slick container. Apples strategy seems very focused.

    But how long can the Pro segment wait. I will probably always use a Mac. But, if I were setting up my own 3D firm today, I would have to go w/a PC system (probably linux). I dont like this reality and really want Apple to step up and make the Pro-system I know they can.
  • Reply 10 of 22
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    While the author of this thread is a bit of a whinning idiot there is a small bit of truth here. The G5 or whatever direction powermacs are going from here should have been at least announced ( assuming they will be ready in a couple of months ) at this MW after all the hype and built up expectations.

    And of course they stirred the pot by hyping it on their web page. Another big mistake. The fact that Intel and AMD are annoucing chips that far outclass the G4 ( even if Mghz don't measure out the same between chips it's such a big gap now that doesn't matter ) doesn't help.

    When you put all these factors together it spells a PR disaster. After the current climate the new imac ( which I think is wonderful by the way ) isn't enough. Now say they release new powermacs later......all the attention was focused on this event. Just look at their stock today if this had made a good impression on the consumer it should be up.

    As has been said before a big part of marketing is timeing. If there is some blurb on Mac based web sites about a release of new powerful powermacs do you think the rest of the world is going to take notice?

    I think Apple may have " screwed the pooch " on this one. The response to this from Apple or SJ might go " well we can't compete with wintel directly so we have to offer other kinds of reasons to go with Apple ". Well, if in the near future your product is half as fast and costs twice as much who is going to want it no matter how pretty or innovative it is?

    All I've got to say is if Apple is going to upgrade the powermac line they better do something they aren't noted for : advertise the hell out of it ( till it's coming out your ears ) and price it fairly or it really won't make a difference because of the impression that Macs are not a good value. This is due to the on going impression " they are too slow and too expensive ". Believe me I was in retail for 14 years and dealing with consumer impression is a hard thing to fight.

    No, I'm not threating to go out and buy a PC or some such nonsense but this was really an unbelieveable course for them to take. Maybe they can prove me wrong in the future and I'll " get it " but for now I don't see how.

    Sorry to rant and thank you for your attention.
  • Reply 10 of 22
    Spooky, you make a few good points, but I must disagree with you on the speed of new Macs. The G4 is a fast chip, no doubt about it, and the new iMac is priced quite well. A 700 MHz G4 is enough power for almost any consumer, and the great part about having the G4 in iMacs is that even more developers will begin writing for Altivec. So we will have even more G4 optimized applications that really scream, regardless of MHz.

    I agree that this is a marketing disaster for Apple, but they are doing the best they can, by making a ton of iApps for free, which Wintels don't come with. But it would help Apple's sales if they were more competitive MHz-wise. I suspect that soon the Powermacs will get the G5, and the iMacs will get the Apollo.

    By MWNY this year, I'll be surprised if the iMac hasn't exceeded 1 GHz, and the Powermacs arent pushing 1.4-1.6 GHz with the new G5s.

  • Reply 12 of 22
    newnew Posts: 3,244member
    I've got a nice budget of 4.000$ to spend on a top workstation... And I was ready to spend it today... If Apple wants my money they better make a run for it soon cause I'm not gonna wait too long before I spend it... And I'm certainly not buying a 867, now that the iLamp has 800... I love the mac... but something has got to happen soon!!!

    [ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: New ]</p>
  • Reply 13 of 22
    [quote]Do all americans have so much money that they can just buy a computer like it was a loaf of bread and not worry about it?<hr></blockquote>

    All Americans? No.

    Most Americans? No.

    Me? No.

    Apple's target market? Yes.
  • Reply 14 of 22
    Spooky is kind of right, though over pessimistic. The problem with the new iMac from the UK perspective is that while Apple just may get away with its pricing in the US, here in the UK it goes overboard with VAT (sales tax) -- the SuperDrive model costs £1599 inc. vat. -- equaling about $2300. Wow baby! One for Harrods then, can't see it going well at Micro Anvika. And to think that for this money you're getting a consumer machine with a crippled g4 and no expandability...

    Actually, having written this I can see why Spooky is depressed.... Spooky, maybe it's time to consider an Athlon box... <img src="confused.gif" border="0">
  • Reply 15 of 22
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    mm, couldn't find any info on future hardware...

    Mods- do we really need these WHINE threads?

    AppleInsider can you guys make a Cry Baby forum so they all go cry together
  • Reply 16 of 22
    KidRed, this IS future hardware related. Coz we're talking about Mac HARDWARE, which some of us here won't be able to buy in the near FUTURE. See?
  • Reply 17 of 22
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    Hey buddy, I was where you are at a year ago but, this situation has gone on too long. Ether Apple is in the business or it's not. It's as simple as that.
  • Reply 18 of 22
    Almost. What happened to the days when Apple made computers?
  • Reply 19 of 22
    gigawiregigawire Posts: 196member
    [quote]mm, couldn't find any info on future hardware...<hr></blockquote>

    Neither could I. Now that I look, i find that's true for about 80% of these threads. C'mon guy, let him rant in peace. Alot of us were let down today, and now we want to talk about it, but more importanty what/if there is anything to look forward to hardware wise.
  • Reply 19 of 22
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member
    Future hardware content:

    Everybody think its pretty clear that the line between the consumer and pro models is now really messed up. Apple has the technology to release DDR machines, and that would set the Pro line apart somewhat. They could also drop the 733 and got to only dual and quad machines. Today they did not do this even though they could have. The only sensible explanation, backed up by a couple of rumours floating about, is that they didn't want to split the limelight. That means it will happen, and it will happen soon. MWT doesn't seem like an appropriate venue for the Pro line, so I'm guessing a Feb release.

    Part of the problem with this kind of hype is that it can be hard to direct. Lots of people out there will love the new iMac and don't care about the Pro line. Personally I don't give one wit about the iMac and iBook, so this show is a non-event for me (= disappointment due to all the hype)... but I know I'm not everybody so I'll wait. Feb is better for me anyhow.

    I just wish they'd gone with a translucent coloured case though... I'd love to see the innards of that machine. Maybe at MWT -- the Japanese like the small colourful machines.
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