Font management in OS X

in macOS edited January 2014
Finally got around to upgrading to OS X and am now running 10.1.2. As a typographer, one of my key concerns is font use. I have about 1000 fonts, which obviously I cannot load permanently.

In OS 9 I used to run ATM deluxe, but as they are not supporting OS X I bought a copy of Suitcase 10 and downloaded the 10.1 upgrade.

Well it doesn't really work (and less I have told Extensis about it). Basically it will enable fonts in carbon/cocoa apps, but it won't turn them on correctly in classic. I am gradually moving my applications over to OS X native, but I still have some classic applications, which I am going to *have* to use for a while longer. Like Quark XPress for example.

So any ideas people?


  • Reply 1 of 3
    I'm in a similar situation. We have hundreds of fonts at work, which I can drop into the OS X font folder, no problem, but if any of them are corrupt, MS Word crashes.

    I have no problem with ATM Deluxe running in Classic mode. For OS X, though, it looks like the best replacement is going to be <a href=""; target="_blank">Font Reserve</a>, particularly if you are on a LAN with other designers.

    I suppose there might be a problem with both programs trying to access the same files at the same time, but I have OS X on a separate hard drive from OS 9, and my font collection exists on both drives. Not really a problem, considering how cheap HD space is these days.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    I think you can run suitcase from inside classic can't you? I ran suitcase 9 from inside classic and used all my fonts no problem. I use suitcase 10 now with the photoshop beta so I don't even think about classic apps anymore. If Quark is your only hitch, why not try InDesign 2?

    [ 02-09-2002: Message edited by: KidRed ]</p>
  • Reply 3 of 3
    timotimo Posts: 353member
    I like Font Reserve, and I run it in Classic. I am mildly hopeful that the OS X version, due out in April, will continue to check for damaged fonts, auto activate and all the other good stuff I like.

    In OS 9 Font Reserve is great.
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