Playing Podcasts in order on iPod Nano

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in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
I just found a new podcast that I like. I have 89 episodes to catch up on, and luckily they are less than 10 minutes each.

Here's the problem: I want to listen to the episodes from oldest to newest. My iPod seems to think that I should listen to them from newest to oldest. The result is that after each episode is played, the next oldest episode begins, and so I have to stop my iPod and restart it on the next most recent episode. I can't figure out how to change the ordering of the podcasts so that they will go from oldest to newest rather than newest to oldest.

Is it possible to change the ordering of Podcasts on my iPod? and if so, how is it accomplished?

And before anyone jumps at this false solution: changing the "order by" column in iTunes to "increasing on release date" does not work. Thanks for any help that you might have!


  • Reply 1 of 7
    areseearesee Posts: 776member
    Use a Playlist. The Nano will play the playlist in the order that it is displayed in.

    I do this with several Smart Playlists as follows;

    1. Create a Smart Playlist with these rules.

    Play Count is 0

    Album is 'Podcast'

    2. Display the Smart Playlists with oldest on top.

    3. Sync the Smart Playlist to the Nano

    Note, this will also list those Podcasts that have been started but not yet finished.
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  • Reply 2 of 7
    dentondenton Posts: 725member
    What you suggest is a pretty tricky method for doing what I want, but it doesn't quite accomplish what I'm hoping for. Your method places the ordered podcasts in the "Music" menu rather than in the "Podcast" menu where they belong. It also doesn't group episodes by podcast as is done in the "Podcast" menu. But thanks for your response.

    Anyone else have a suggestion?
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  • Reply 3 of 7
    The playlist will work, but aside from the order it is shown in, (old:new & not new:old) it is pretty much the same as looking at it in the podcast menu... Just a list of 80+ titles.

    What I've done with podiobooks is only sync the episodes I know I'm going to listen to for that day. I usually can't get through more than 5-6 episodes either due to getting bored with it or time constraints, so I only sync the 7-8 "upcoming" episodes.

    The problem I've had, and perhaps this was your questions: When I want to listen to several podcasts in a row I have not figured out a way to get it to play through a whole list. When one podcast ends I have to navigate to the next podcast and hit play.

    One solution that I've seen referenced online is to use the On-The-Go playlist, go to the podcasts you want, select them in the order you want them to play, back out and navigate to the O.T.G. playlist and hit play... Problem is, it doesn't solve anything, the same thing happens, for me, I listen to the end of the podcast, and all stop. Navigate back into the O.T.G. playlist and select the next episode... (between you and me, if I remember right, the few times I tried this it still organized them new:old)

    I have had several updates on the iPod since the last time I tried this and haven't tried on the most recent update, 1.1.3. Perhaps it now works, where I hit play once and it will cycle through a playlist consisting of podcasts...

    If you do find a solution post back here.
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  • Reply 4 of 7

    I found this from Christopher Breen, at:

    "Navigate to the iPod?s Podcasts screen (the screen that lists all your podcasts rather than an individual podcast?s screen), select the podcast you?d like to listen to (again, something like the Macworld Podcast rather than an individual episode), and press the iPod?s Play button. The iPod will play the oldest episode first, then the next oldest, and on and on until it eventually plays the most recent episode."

    I tried it and it works.

    - Billy
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  • Reply 5 of 7
    That was the trick. I, too, was annoyed by the reverse chronological order issue.
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  • Reply 6 of 7
    dentondenton Posts: 725member
    Originally Posted by vibenconga View Post


    I found this from Christopher Breen, at:

    "Navigate to the iPod’s Podcasts screen (the screen that lists all your podcasts rather than an individual podcast’s screen), select the podcast you’d like to listen to (again, something like the Macworld Podcast rather than an individual episode), and press the iPod’s Play button. The iPod will play the oldest episode first, then the next oldest, and on and on until it eventually plays the most recent episode."

    I tried it and it works.

    - Billy

    That's great! I actually did figure this out (quite accidentally) a few months ago. It still seems quite strange to me that podcasts are sorted in reverse order when they play in their correct order when you press play at the podcast "level." It's a very un-Applish solution, IMO. Thanks.
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  • Reply 7 of 7
    Must have been in a recent iPod software update, but for the last few weeks, my iPod Touch lists and plays podcasts in chronological order! Was I ever happy to see that! Plays one after the other, oldest first!

    Also now plays video podcasts in the podcast window, rather than having to change to Video!
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