4 GB RAM, is there a point? (for me)

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Hey guys, I'm probably not the first guy to post this question, but here goes.

I currently have 1 GB of RAM in my Alu iMac.

I'm thinking of upgrading to Leopard and figured adding some RAM wouldn't be a bad idea then.

I must admit though that currently, 90% of the time I use the PC I have Mail, iTunes, Audioscrobbler, Camino and MSN Messenger open, just those programs. Under this situation, the 1 Gig of RAM is never fully used. Occasionally however, I do a bit of movie editing in iMovie, or a bit of Java programming in Eclipse. When I'm bored I tend to scroll through Google Earth or Celestia for a bit. I also from time to time do some school work in NeoOffice, but will probably switch to the new Office for Mac soon. (I love iWork but functions are too limited for me in certain areas... for now)

Under these current conditions, I guess I don't really need extra RAM, but I wanna be future proof. I'm studying to become an ICT engineer, so I guess I'll be using more and more developing tools soon. Many of the tools I need for schoolwork will probably be Windows-only so I can imagine me running VMWare or Parallels in the near future (if those work well with "heavy" apps of course, if not I'll stick with BootCamp)

So my question is now, should I just buy an extra gig of RAM (very cheap option) or go all the way and get 4 gigs? I'm just wondering if, by the time those 4 gigs actually will become usefull for me, the rest of my system will be too outdated anyway.


  • Reply 1 of 8
    ytvytv Posts: 109member
    The real questions is not why should you upgrade to 4gb.

    The real question is why shouldn't you. WIth 4gb prices around $50-$75 with no rebates and $40-$50 with rebates the minimal cost to upgrade far outweighs the disadvantages of not doing so.
  • Reply 2 of 8
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    My personal policy going forward for new computer purchases is 4GB minimum and if maxing the memory is affordable I'll do that.

    Even if I'm only using application that would run comfy in a 2GB space I'd rather overprovision in this area.
  • Reply 3 of 8
    lorrelorre Posts: 396member
    $75 for decent quality 4gig SO-DIMM RAM? Link please!

    Good point though, at current RAM prices, why not really...
  • Reply 4 of 8
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    Originally Posted by Lorre View Post

    $75 for decent quality 4gig SO-DIMM RAM? Link please!

    Good point though, at current RAM prices, why not really...

    I haven't found 4GB for $75, but OWC has 4GB for $99:



    4.0GB (2GB + 2GB Module Set) Upgrade kit with Micron devices for all Apple 'Core 2 Duo' 2.2GHz, 2.4GHz, Core ... more

    Brand: Other World Computing OWC Item # OWC53IM2DDR4GBK

    Same Day $99.00
  • Reply 5 of 8
    ytvytv Posts: 109member
    Originally Posted by Lorre View Post

    $75 for decent quality 4gig SO-DIMM RAM? Link please!

    Good point though, at current RAM prices, why not really...





    I found these in 2 minutes, if I started going to all the computer websites I could easily find 20+ examples.
  • Reply 6 of 8
    Wow. I'm surprised at 4GB of ram being had for $100! Definitely upgrade with that price . . . damn I remember paying $200 for 256MB of ram . . .
  • Reply 7 of 8
    Dude, I upgraded to 4GB ram in my Alum iMac and don't regret it at all!

    I paid only $95 from OWC, a trusted Mac company since the 80s! On top of that, I bought a sleek looking 500gb Fathom HDD from MacMall.com for only $99 bucks as well.

    For only $200, I think it was an excellent investment. There is 0 lag when I run parallels now, and the iMac is blazing quick. Plus when I look at the stats, the iMac really only uses 3GB, so I have a whole 1 GB left to spare!

    I say go for it!
  • Reply 8 of 8
    Actually, I'd wait. RAM is continusly getting cheaper. Wait till you need it.
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