Has no one noticed new keyboards and mice?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014

The mouse kinda looks like Michael's hack except the Apple one has visible logo, hehe.

I guess this is very obvious hint to new enclosure of G5s or updated G4s.

[ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: ZO ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 25
    They are not new. Apple has always patterned its keyboard and mice after the color of the machine it is being sold on.

    For example, a Tangerine keyboard/mouse combination is no more new from the original Bondi Blue iMac and implies nothing for the PowerMacs.
  • Reply 2 of 25
    steve did show the picture of the while apple pro mouse, i kinda like it except i would like to see it for real
  • Reply 3 of 25
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    not the keyboard mold... the actual KEYS are white as well!
  • Reply 4 of 25
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    I hope at least the PowerMac line doesn't go white....please....
  • Reply 4 of 25
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member
    I thought it was funny that they pointed out the iMac's came with the pro mouse. It just a mouse. Get over it. MS produces much better units. It's about time Apple OEM'ed MS mice with their computers. Just like everyone else.

  • Reply 6 of 25
    Course I did.
  • Reply 7 of 25
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    The Apple mouse is great, although I think they could make a better scroll wheel design. More of a jog-wheel so you don't have to keep spinning away on long AI threads.

    I think they would do well to make the old iMac keyboards available for purchase, though. I know lots of consumers who don't need the extended keyboard and Apple could keep the Pro monicker.
  • Reply 8 of 25
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by Nostradamus:

    <strong>They are not new. Apple has always patterned its keyboard and mice after the color of the machine it is being sold on.


    Apple hasn't done that since the Pro Keyboard came out.
  • Reply 9 of 25
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    I think it's a sign that the towers will be white and metal. Given the beauty that the iMac is, I can't wait to see what they do to the towers!
  • Reply 10 of 25
    katekate Posts: 172member
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:

    <strong>I think it's a sign that the towers will be white and metal. Given the beauty that the iMac is, I can't wait to see what they do to the towers!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Could well be the case, but is the current style not the consumer style? Grey and metal for Pro?
  • Reply 11 of 25
    pb g3pb g3 Posts: 95member
    Black and Metal should be for pros.
  • Reply 12 of 25
    jrcjrc Posts: 817member
    I predict JonIves will go the distance and recreate more bathroom-fixture-like designs.

    So, they WILL BE WHITE .... Porcelain!
  • Reply 13 of 25
    willoughbywilloughby Posts: 1,457member
    If you want to buy a keyboard and mouse from the Apple Store online it still shows the old color. Though, if you buy an iMac that still shows the old color for the keyboard too.

    Apple stole Michael's mouse idea. I think the Michael legal hounds are on the case
  • Reply 14 of 25
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by Kate:


    Could well be the case, but is the current style not the consumer style? Grey and metal for Pro?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    That's what I thought before the iMac came out, but it doesn't make sence or follow any pattern to have 2 sets or Pro mice and keyboards. That's why I think myabe the metal/white pro/consumer distinction may be over.

    With the iMac as beefed up as it is, do we really need distiction? I think the towers could use more metal and less white as the possible distinction.
  • Reply 15 of 25
    luissluiss Posts: 7member
    [quote]Originally posted by MacGregor:

    <strong>The Apple mouse is great, although I think they could make a better scroll wheel design. More of a jog-wheel so you don't have to keep spinning away on long AI threads.


    I've always liked the IBM ScrollPoints. The have a little 'joystick' ala thinkpad trackpoint. Gives you up/down/left/right scrolling, etc. The best part was that it requires minimal movement of your finger. The first time I used a wheel, I felt I was giving my finger a workout.

    [ 01-08-2002: Message edited by: luiss ]</p>
  • Reply 16 of 25
    I personally think it's just another way to distinguish the pro from the consumer line. Yeah it would be cheaper if they used the same keyboards & mice for both...

    Now the ibook and imac match. If I see the Tibook go to white keys though, you may be right. *shrug* Personally I think black is nicer.
  • Reply 17 of 25
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    you can see white keys better at night no?

    werent people asking for glow-in-the-dark keyboard?

    wouldn't this serve the same purpose if it could be seen with little illumination? I mean you already have the light from the screen. if the keys are white, it would be easy to see them in the dark right?

    Anyone with an icebook wanna verify?


    [ 01-08-2002: Message edited by: psantora ]</p>
  • Reply 18 of 25
    It is a white keyboard and mouse right? I am pretty sure it is judging by the new iMac promo where you can see Seal using it on a metal table.. I think the new keyboard and mouse is just for the iMac if this is true.
  • Reply 19 of 25
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    Apple has never had 2 sets of keyborads and mice, and I don't see why they ever would. The cube iMac and towers have always used the same ones, so that's why some of us think the towers will get a new case to match the white keyboard and mouse.
  • Reply 20 of 25
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:

    <strong>Apple has never had 2 sets of keyborads and mice, and I don't see why they ever would. The cube iMac and towers have always used the same ones, so that's why some of us think the towers will get a new case to match the white keyboard and mouse.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Same deal with the original POS USB keyboards that apple shipped with the PM G3's... (and early G4s too)
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