That is utterly brilliant ; it's great to see intelligence and humour utilised in website technology , instead of the usual pretentiousness .
This reminds me of Venturi-Scott Brown Architects, who did their web site with a similar sense of humor. VSBA also employ "wit" in their projects, with decidedly mixed results.
That is utterly brilliant ; it's great to see intelligence and humour utilised in website technology , instead of the usual pretentiousness .
This reminds me of Venturi-Scott Brown Architects, who did their web site with a similar sense of humor. VSBA also employ "wit" in their projects, with decidedly mixed results.
At first I was like... eh, doesn't look that bad. But then all hell broke loose. Very classic.
Is "ghettoblaster" really the name for any kind of boombox in the Netherlands? Because that is several kinds of offensive and all kinds of hilarious.
The dutch aren't all that uptight about such things... they'd be perfectly fine with that product.