Any way to make transparent icons?
I was trying to replace an icon on a classic app, so that it wouldn't look so ugly in the dock. I made a picture that had some transparency in it. I tried copy and pasting from both a .psd and a TIFF into the info window. It almost worked. The app now has a 128x128 icon, but the trasparency was replaced by white. Is there any way to get the icon to retain the transparency? Alternately, does anyone have an OSX icon for Dreamweaver and/or Flash?
As for icons, you should use Iconographer from it is THE best at making OS X icons... all you need is a graphic, and a mask and you can make OS X icons in a flash.
As for your DW and Flash icons, I'd look at for those they have a TON.
Mac Guru
Mac Guru
<strong>it's a quote from a Philosophy Student at my School.
Mac Guru</strong><hr></blockquote>
That was a good <a href="" target="_blank">topic</a> from back in the day.
[ 03-01-2002: Message edited by: KrazyFool ]</p>
i ill jus post all those in a link and will send u the link soon...
keep updating,, ill send it by this week itself...