Nvidia + iPhone???

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Nvidia recently unvailed the apx 2500 for smart phones. To me, this looks like a good option for the iPhone. It would offer more power and go great with the sdk,

Anyone have any other thoughts on this, or reasons why this product would not work with an iPhone. If this would work, i really hope apple puts one in the Iphone.


  • Reply 1 of 6
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    Apple using the latest graphics cards.

    Apple using the latest graphics cards in their consumer products.

    It says Microsoft devices on the site so I imagine that Microsoft have some partnership setup, which makes sense since they actually know what they are doing when it comes to gaming.

    I really don't see an iphone revision coming very soon. Apple use small updates to prolong a product lifespan. The SDK will prolong the life of the current revision iphone for at least another 6 months.

    This graphics chip can only reduce battery life and Apple left out 3G for this very reason.

    Unless the iphone is marketed as a gaming device like the PSP, it won't be worth the expense to improve the graphics for gaming.
  • Reply 2 of 6
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Apple using the latest graphics cards.

    Apple using the latest graphics cards in their consumer products.

    Apple uses the latest and greatest in the MacBook Pro, and the Geforce 8800GT is a decent card for the Mac Pro. Why wouldn't Apple use the latest and greatest, not that I'm saying they're going to use it, but I don't see where your sarcasm is coming from.
  • Reply 3 of 6

    It says Microsoft devices on the site so I imagine that Microsoft have some partnership setup, which makes sense since they actually know what they are doing when it comes to gaming.

    The sad this is they dont know whats going on with gaming. if they knew so much about gaming they would not make a OS so bloated that even the latest hardware crumbles under Vista.

    Its pathetic.
  • Reply 4 of 6
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    It says Microsoft devices on the site so I imagine that Microsoft have some partnership setup, which makes sense since they actually know what they are doing when it comes to gaming.

    I dont see any one statement that says this device will be windows mobile exclusive, they only mention windows mobile. (i could be wrong). It think it would be nvidia's best interest to try and release their technology to as many platforms as possible to ensure they will have a share of the market.


    Unless the iphone is marketed as a gaming device like the PSP, it won't be worth the expense to improve the graphics for gaming.

    Its not just some gaming chips manufactures stick in a phone, it is an all-in-one processor. The targets market are smartphones. Besides the 3d features, which are very nice, there are also many other benefits to using a chip like this such as the improvement of multimedia playback, output and rendering.

    i would like to see some battery life charts or something to see if there is a significant decrease.
  • Reply 5 of 6
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    Originally Posted by Leonard View Post

    Apple uses the latest and greatest in the MacBook Pro

    It's not the latest and greatest but it is a good card but it's also in an expensive 'pro' laptop, not a consumer mobile phone.

    Originally Posted by Leonard View Post

    the Geforce 8800GT is a decent card for the Mac Pro.

    Yes but it came out more than a year after everyone else had it - hence why Apple don't use the 'latest'.

    Originally Posted by Leonard View Post

    Why wouldn't Apple use the latest and greatest, not that I'm saying they're going to use it, but I don't see where your sarcasm is coming from.

    There's no reason for them to not use the latest and greatest and there's no reason for them not to put good graphics cards in the Mini and Macbook but they simply don't do it.

    Originally Posted by Name101

    The sad this is they dont know whats going on with gaming. if they knew so much about gaming they would not make a OS so bloated that even the latest hardware crumbles under Vista.

    It's a very minor issue, games are typically only about 10 fps or so slower than under XP and Vista still has DirectX 10, which makes games look a bit better. Even with those issues under Vista, the game support, price, performance and selection still dwarfs Apple' attempts. Add in the XBox 360 and Apple are just out of the gaming scene completely.
  • Reply 6 of 6
    don't use vista for gaming... it's horrible. it uses up all your resources, and even if you buy more ram it wont use it... it distributes it to other things. Vista gives you no choice but to have a bad osx wanna be clone that bogs your resources to death. Get windows xp professional... use all your cores and all your ram.
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