When will msn:mac support video calling? do msoft update it often? its lagging behind

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Question is pretty much in the title.

and will it ever support the isight cam in the near future!


  • Reply 1 of 8
    If they were going to they would have done so long ago. It's just a case of M$ crippling the Mac version. There are a few clones out there including aMSN though I tried it recently and it wasn't very stable. Here's hoping Adium will pick up video capability soon. Other options include Skype and Yahoo though they won't work with MSN contacts.
  • Reply 2 of 8
    There was a long blog by one of the members of the MS MBU late last year. It was basically bullshit. He said they were waiting for MS to finish the latest Windows version of the video spec before they were able to do a Mac version. He also said they intended to release a Mac version that included video, but could not state any schedule or deadline.

    Meanwhile aMSN and Mercury Messenger both support video over the MSN Messenger network (freeware developers are able to do this yet somehow Microsoft MBU has to "wait"!?). I have been using aMSN and aside from a few minor shortcomings due to poor Mac support of its tcl/tk development environment (no drag and drop and poor dock notification) it has been working very well. The latest version has never been "unstable" in my personal experience. One thing of note with aMSN, however, is that it's particularly unforgiving with regard to port forwarding. You'll need to make sure your router is properly configured.
  • Reply 3 of 8
    So crashing whenever the help menu is selected is not considered unstable?
  • Reply 4 of 8
    as previous posters have said, msn for mac is crippled, they will keep it like this because let's face it, microsoft and apple are at war, and why make a program as good on a mac as it is on a pc, then pc owners would have a better reason to switch over.
  • Reply 5 of 8
    Originally Posted by s.metcalf View Post

    So crashing whenever the help menu is selected is not considered unstable?

    I've just gone on aMSN 0.97, which has been running all day, and selected each of the four items in the help menu. Four new browser tabs opened in firefox successively, and I didn't get a crash.

    Maybe it's your configuration?

    I am still using Tiger though... maybe it's a leopard issue.

    I did read on the aMSN website that if someone sends you too many smileys it might crash, especially with slower computers, and the workaround is to turn off smileys or get a faster computer. My MacBook 1.83 hasn't experienced this problem yet.

    I'll post here as soon as I get a crash. I use aMSN about three or four times a week now... about once or twice a week with video.
  • Reply 6 of 8
    Leopard here....

    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    I've just gone on aMSN 0.97, which has been running all day, and selected each of the four items in the help menu. Four new browser tabs opened in firefox successively, and I didn't get a crash.

    Maybe it's your configuration?

    I am still using Tiger though... maybe it's a leopard issue.

  • Reply 7 of 8
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    aMsn needs some serious help.
  • Reply 8 of 8
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    aMsn needs some serious help.

    It's still a bit better than Mercury, and those two are the only current solutions for video chat over the MSN network.
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