VPC 5.0.2 available

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in macOS edited January 2014
<a href="http://www.connectix.com/support/vpcm_online.html"; target="_blank">http://www.connectix.com/support/vpcm_online.html</a>;

Version 5.0.2 is supposed to bring an improvement in performance while running in OS X. If anybody has upgraded your dual 1GHz G4's with this upgrade, I'm interested to hear if it works better.



  • Reply 1 of 15
    Yup, the improvement is noticeable even on my dual 500. Here's what I posted over at MacNN:

    It's MUCH improved in OSX. Menus, Explorer, and the general "feel" is overall more responsive but video playback is worse than ever!!

    Okay, here's my story. Video playback was great in OS9 in VPC 4 and 5. In OSX, VPC 5 took a step back, making a skip or stutter about every two seconds. In VPC 5.0.2, the skipping and stuttering is horrendous. Here's an example.

    I played <a href="http://brad.project-think.com/movies/DBZ-I_maCucumber-Brak.mpeg"; target="_blank">this MPEG clip</a> in WMP (the older version, not the new ugly bulky one) on Win98. Thanks to the wonders of Snapz Pro X, I captured <a href="http://brad.project-think.com/movies/VPC-video-playback.mov"; target="_blank">this movie of it's actual playback</a>. The audio and video are real. That's how it actually plays in VPC.Pretty shabby, huh?

    Watch as the video skips! Listen to the audio echo! Marvel as the timeline jumps into the future!!

    That's one of my key reasons for having VPC. Aside from the occasional windows-only app like Morpheus or having to check HTML code across platforms, I also use VPC to play the occasional MPEG or Windows Media file that won't work on Mac OS X. Oh well...
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  • Reply 2 of 15
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    Yea, I posted at MacNN that the speed up is there, but it was so slow before that now it's just plain slow rather than dog slow. Still feel robbed on my $250 investment.
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  • Reply 3 of 15
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    That mpeg doesn't skip a frame here in Windows 2000 and WMP 7.1. What kind of Mac are you using?

    Windows 98SE and ME run like crap in VPC 5, but 2000 and XP run pretty nicely.
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  • Reply 4 of 15
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    I thought windows 98 fixed all the bugs. So 2000 is better? But is it worth giving my money to Billy just so i can have a faster version of windows to use once every 3 months when I feel the need.

    So you think the doggedness is also due to the OS and not just VPC? Or did this update do more to help out 2000?
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  • Reply 5 of 15
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    My original VPC came with Windows 98 SE, but that was unusable under VirtualPC 5 for OS X. I got Windows 2000 from a Microsoft Infosession at school, so I installed that. I didn't want to pay Bill for Windows 2000, so I didn't...

    but yes, it works okay here. It's not going to amaze you with speed or anything, but it doesn't skip like starfleetx's example. I tried to capture the video with Snapz Pro but I haven't figured out how to capture sound...
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  • Reply 6 of 15
    calcal Posts: 17member
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  • Reply 7 of 15
    solosolo Posts: 89member
    [quote]Originally posted by Cal:

    Isn't that software piracy? If you did legally obtain your software, please disregard the following:

    Just because you don't want to support Microsoft doesn't mean you should steal from them. Just don't use their products.

    Its the criminal actions like yours that keep software prices high and keep innovation lower. I am disgusted at software pirates and hope that all of you don't do the same and follow this terrible and illegal activity.[/QB]<hr></blockquote>

    Simmer down now cal. I hardly think that any Microsoft programers are hungry because of piracy. If Microsoft didn't want to charge you so much they don't have to. Have you seen the salaries those guys make? Sure they tell you things like "it keeps software prices high and innovation low" but they never think twice about the money they are making off of us when they charge those extravigent fees!
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  • Reply 8 of 15
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    When did I say I stole Windows? They gave me a free copy of Windows 2000 and free pizza.

    Microsoft holds these little sessions all over colleges to make sure people don't stray from Windows.

    [ 03-08-2002: Message edited by: Eugene ]</p>
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  • Reply 9 of 15
    Thanks for the info Eugene.

    I'm on a G4 DP500. Movies played very well in OS9 on VPC4 and 5. They played fairly well in OSX with 5.0 and 5.0.1 but have turned to utter crap with 5.0.2.

    I think I'm going to see what I can do to find a license of Win2k somewhere now...

    [ 03-08-2002: Message edited by: starfleetX ]</p>
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  • Reply 10 of 15
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    Why VPC 5 was sold with window 98 SE in that case if he works so bad on os X ?

    Do you think it will work better under os 9 ?
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  • Reply 11 of 15
    patchoulipatchouli Posts: 402member
    I was in RCS Computers here in Manhattan yesterday and was playing with the new iMac (which by the way, due to it's color was getting a bit dirty and shoddy looking. I guess people can't help but feel it up, though they should wash their hands!)

    Anyway, this iMac (which has a stunning display and did not look too small at all) had VPC 5 on it running Windows XP home. So, I put it in full screen mode to see what it can do. Well, lets just say that this is beyond slow, it's painfully slow! Slow enough to give someone an anxiety attack! All I did was launch Internet Explorer and it took literally over 1 minute to launch only to deliver a very unstable performance. Now, Windows XP on a fairly new machine is incredibly fast. Internet Explorer on my XP Machine takes literally 1 second to load. What the hell was Connectix thinking releases this program at this stage? Granted, I am sure the store model did not have the update that we are speaking of, but since the update only gives marginal speed improvements you would think that this $200 program is still in beta stage!

    If you guys are wondering which version of Windows to use with VPC, wait for Connectix to fix the speed issues with 5 and use XP. It's incomparable to '98 or ME in terms of speed, functionality, clean design, well organized layout with a nice updated look and feel. Above all, it's incredibly stable. I haven't had a system crash since the day I installed it (and this was 6 months ago as an upgrade!)
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  • Reply 12 of 15
    calcal Posts: 17member
    [quote]Originally posted by solo:


    Simmer down now cal. I hardly think that any Microsoft programers are hungry because of piracy. If Microsoft didn't want to charge you so much they don't have to. Have you seen the salaries those guys make? Sure they tell you things like "it keeps software prices high and innovation low" but they never think twice about the money they are making off of us when they charge those extravigent fees!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    The fact is that technology companies have layed off tons of people, leaving people's families stuggling and children underprivilaged. I'm sure Microsoft has worked hard to produce the software, why not give them what they ask for it or not use it at all. You do have a choice, you don't have to use their products and regardless of the value you always still have a choice.

    And for Eugene, sorry about that... I took it the wrong way.
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  • Reply 13 of 15
    icruiseicruise Posts: 127member
    [quote] Just because you don't want to support Microsoft doesn't mean you should steal from them. Just don't use their products.

    Its the criminal actions like yours that keep software prices high and keep innovation lower. I am disgusted at software pirates and hope that all of you don't do the same and follow this terrible and illegal activity.


    Realistically I don't understand what the difference is between not using a microsoft product and using a pirated version of that product. In either case microsoft gets nothing. I don't advocate piracy, but I don't always understand arguments like this against it. The music industry claims that billions of dollars is lost to MP3 trading and the like, but a huge portion of that was arrived at by just seeing how much it would have cost if people had bought the music they downloaded instead of just getting it for free. The thing is, these people would never have bought most of this stuff if they were paying for it. That's not to say that MP3 hasn't hurt the industry, or that it is ok to pirate things. I do think that you can make a pretty good argument that morally you are bound to pay for things you use.

    Anyway, as for Virtual PC, I haven't seen a huge increase in speed with the update -- maybe a small one. It's really too bad since version 4 was pretty darn usable even on my Powerbook G3.
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  • Reply 14 of 15
    jbljbl Posts: 555member
    [quote] You do have a choice, you don't have to use their products and regardless of the value you always still have a choice. <hr></blockquote>

    You don't always have a choice. I own the Microsoft products I choose to use (Excel). However, I refuse to pay for Word and PowerPoint just because people insist on sending me files in these formats. Both of these programs suck. I don't want to use them and I refuse to pay for them just because some people (and government agencies) can't figure out how to create forms in PDF format (for example).
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  • Reply 15 of 15

    Isn't that software piracy? If you did legally obtain your software, please disregard the following:

    Just because you don't want to support Microsoft doesn't mean you should steal from them. Just don't use their products.

    Its the criminal actions like yours that keep software prices high and keep innovation lower. I am disgusted at software pirates and hope that all of you don't do the same and follow this terrible and illegal activity.


    Go blow it out your a$$, bitch.

    Most people who pirate software don't have the money to buy it, so either way the developer is not going to get a sale. Furthermore who gives a rat's a$$ if someone pirates M$ software? Not me, for sure!

    If you want to be a cop, go to police academy. Otherwise quit worrying about other's affairs and mind your own business, you snoopy bitch.
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