Someone needs to create this plug-in for Safari: "Safari Window Corner"

in Mac Software edited January 2014
I call it "Safari Window Corner" or "Swic" for short. It's a tiny plug-in that does one simple thing. When you bring your mouse right over one of the top corner of a Safari window [it could have a preferences for the corner you prefer], most likely the top left corner, a little blue triangle appears, if you click it, Safari jumps right up into the the corner. This does one simple thing, saves you from having to drag it up to position it.

If you're like me you like windows to stay in certain places. And if you are a big user of tabs and web browsing, you'll know windows like to move around a little. Safari Window Corner saves that little bit of time and annoyance [they add up] which I'd gladly pay for. $5 sounds reasonable.

Here's some screenshots:


To any whiz out there; you have my permission to steal this idea and sell it back to me. I'd bet you'd get thousands of Mac users who'd by it like I would. Get cracking!


  • Reply 1 of 2
    endymionendymion Posts: 375member
    Just make a bookmark with the following in the address field:



    or if you want a full screen button:


    javascript:self.moveTo(0,0); self.resizeTo(screen.availWidth,screen.availHeight );

  • Reply 2 of 2
    irelandireland Posts: 17,800member
    Originally Posted by Endymion View Post

    Just make a bookmark with the following in the address field:



    or if you want a full screen button:


    javascript:self.moveTo(0,0); self.resizeTo(screen.availWidth,screen.availHeight );

    Here's $5.. thanks!
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