OSX mouse drivers

in macOS edited January 2014
all right, so Microsoft and Kensington have drivers out for there mice....who else does...i know i'm forgetting some companies....

i know logitech DOESN'T. has anyone heard anything? there's a lot of people out there (including me) who are waiting for them....

i downloaded the usb overdrive beta 4. i looked, but i didn't see an option to have a button go back in a browser window. did i miss something?

any other opinions/complaints?


  • Reply 1 of 2
    mac's girlmac's girl Posts: 556member
    [quote]Originally posted by Max8319:

    <strong>all right, so Microsoft and Kensington have drivers out for there mice....who else does...i know i'm forgetting some companies....

    i know logitech DOESN'T. has anyone heard anything? there's a lot of people out there (including me) who are waiting for them....

    i downloaded the usb overdrive beta 4. i looked, but i didn't see an option to have a button go back in a browser window. did i miss something?

    any other opinions/complaints?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    the kensington mouse drivers must not like the os x.1.3 update. (it worked like a charm before the update.) often, i click and it doesnt respond so i have to click a few more times. also the tracking is not as good. does this happen to anyone else? i was so pissed i wanted to go back to x.1.2 but i dont know how. oh well.

    [ 04-03-2002: Message edited by: mac's girl ]</p>
  • Reply 2 of 2
    Go to versiontracker.com and search for USB Overdrive in the mac os x section. I have an intellimouse, and until last week when the intellimouse drivers came out, I was using USB Overdrive. They basically do the same thing, except that overdrive is for any mouse, while ms's drivers are only for the intellimouse.

    But for any other mouse that doesn't have supported drivers, try that.
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