System folder can't be modified ?

in macOS edited January 2014
Still trying to get to grips with what OSX will and wont let me do. I can't seem to move new fonts into the font folder because i get the above message. Doesn't even give me a chance to use password or anything ( not that i thought i'd set one anyway ). Can anyone help?


  • Reply 1 of 3
    havanashavanas Posts: 99member
    [quote]Originally posted by jimdad:

    <strong>Still trying to get to grips with what OSX will and wont let me do. I can't seem to move new fonts into the font folder because i get the above message. Doesn't even give me a chance to use password or anything ( not that i thought i'd set one anyway ). Can anyone help?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    There are several library and font folders. The System/library/fonts one belongs to root and all users can inherit these fonts. The /library/fonts folder can be accessed by an Admin user(the default type of user), these can also be inherited by all users. Then theres users/USERNAME/library/fonts ... this belongs to that particular user and only he/she will inheret those fonts.

    The way OSX and unixes work is to seperate the user's space from the systems space so no individual user(your 5yr old niece) can mess up your user account or throw the system folder in the trash(very possible in Os9). Its a little more restrictive than Os9, but its security is nice... A virus your Uncle Bill unleashes while logged in will only erase his user space and not totally destroy the machine(that is unless he has the root password, and root is enabled)

    something like that.....
  • Reply 2 of 3
    jimdadjimdad Posts: 209member
    Thanks, havanas, that makes complete sense now. I'll put it in my library. it's a scary thought though that I'm the main (presumably admin?) user and i have no idea how to access my own system folder. I don't remember setting any passwords when i first got the imac.

    On a related note, i've just realised how many fonts i have on my hard disc. Is there any easy way of either getting them to display in the font menu or else some shareware app that would print them out so i can see which to keep?

    [ 04-08-2002: Message edited by: jimdad ]</p>
  • Reply 3 of 3
    airslufairsluf Posts: 1,861member
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