iPhone on T-Mobile

in iPhone edited January 2014
I'm currently using a Sidekick II with data plan on T-Mobile. If I get an iPhone and unlock it, would I need to change my plan with T-Mobile? And (aside from visual voicemail) would it work exactly as if it were on ATT?


  • Reply 1 of 4
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member
    I think the data plan is the same.

    An interesting little story regarding T-Mobile and the iPhone...

    I called them Friday to find out exactly what day my 2-year contract expires. The phone rep wanted to know why I'd be switching, and I told him quite frankly, "you don't have iPhone". He suggested some other model phone they did have, and I said I wasn't interested. Then, he actually suggested I get an unlocked iPhone so that I could still use T-Mobile, to which I replied, "that wouldn't have visual voicemail and voids the warranty on the phone". He argued with me about the warranty thing, but I assured him it did. Finally, he flat-out told me they would have iPhone by the end of the year. I highly doubt that's the case, but interesting they would make such desperate claims to keep customers from jumping ship.
  • Reply 2 of 4
    jasonfjjasonfj Posts: 568member
    So is my current data plan EDGE compatible?

    Interestingly T-Mobile are due to switch on their 3G network very soon:

  • Reply 3 of 4
    Originally Posted by jasonfj View Post

    I'm currently using a Sidekick II with data plan on T-Mobile. If I get an iPhone and unlock it, would I need to change my plan with T-Mobile? And (aside from visual voicemail) would it work exactly as if it were on ATT?


    You will not have to change a thing! Am on T-mobile with unlocked jailbroken iPhone, evreything

    works except VV.

    I did not have data with my old Sony Ericsson so added the total internet add on for Edge which also works T Mo Hotspots for wifi.

    Unlock swap sims and u be done......
  • Reply 4 of 4
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    I highly doubt that's the case, but interesting they would make such desperate claims to keep customers from jumping ship.

    Wait!!! A salesman lying to keep/make/save a sale?!?! No freakin way!

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