MACBook will not read root file

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in macOS edited January 2014
My MACBook will not boot up. I get the Apple and the circle going around but it does not read the root files to go any farther. I checked the root and it stated that there were an incorrect number of thread records. Any one know what this means and how to fix?


  • Reply 1 of 4
    Marvinmarvin Posts: 15,519moderator
    You could try repairing the drive by booting into single user mode by holding command-s at boot and typing fsck -f. If the repair is successful, type reboot. You can also boot up from your installer disc and try a repair that way using disk utility, which you launch from one of the menus. If none of that works, try doing an archive install from the disc. This will leave your files intact and replace your system files.
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  • Reply 2 of 4
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    The command is /sbin/fsck -yf . The tool is in the sbin folder and the y lets it fix issues automatically. You don't want to be hitting enter all night to fix what could be a hundred issues.
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  • Reply 3 of 4
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    You could try repairing the drive by booting into single user mode by holding command-s at boot and typing fsck -f. If the repair is successful, type reboot. You can also boot up from your installer disc and try a repair that way using disk utility, which you launch from one of the menus. If none of that works, try doing an archive install from the disc. This will leave your files intact and replace your system files.

    THanks for the input. For some reason, I let the thing run for about 30 minutes and it booted up itself. Not sure why this happened so will keep y our idea in case it happens again.
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  • Reply 4 of 4
    Originally Posted by Randy Robinson View Post

    THanks for the input. For some reason, I let the thing run for about 30 minutes and it booted up itself. Not sure why this happened so will keep y our idea in case it happens again.

    Thing is, as long as you see that wheel moving, or a spinning beach ball, the mac is actually proceeding through its paces, albeit at the speed of running molasses. As you found out. But it is moving forward! So if you can afford to wait it out, I suggest you do.
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