Testing Airport Express

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
How do you tell if an Airport Express is broken? I have one that was set up for Airtunes, and it recently stopped working. It does not show up in the AirPort Utility. I gave it a factory default reset which resulted in first a solid amber light and then a blinking amber light. Before I chuck it, I want to be sure it is gone. Thanks.


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    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
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    ellieellie Posts: 2member
    Originally Posted by Slewis View Post

    Connect to it via the Ethernet cord and rename your wireless network. I've had similar issues, sometimes I would even connect to the internet via what was SUPPOSEDLY my network, the only trouble was I have on occasion walked into the room where it is only to find it somehow unplugged (cats probably got to it) even though I was still connected. After that I couldn't trust the network I was on, I reset it, changed all my settings, and made sure to turn on the option that lets me connect to the Airport Express via Ethernet in case this ever happens again so I can change the settings without resetting it.


    Thanks! I got it going and it works.
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