New MacHeist Software Bundle

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Howdy all,

For those of you who have bought the first two bundles, you already know about MacHeist. For those that don't, here's the scoop:

You can buy 12 great applications at over an 80% discount. The list includes:

iClip - $30 retail

CoverSutra - $23 retail

Awaken - $13 retail

Cha-Ching - $40 retail

Xslimmer - $12 retail

WriteRoom - $25 retail

DEVONthink Personal - $40 retail

Wallet - $15 retail

Overflow - $15 retail

and 3 great Pangea games:

Enigmo - $20 retail

Nanosaur 2 - $25 retail

Bugdom 2 - $30 retail

Altogether, well over $250 worth of software for only $49. The offer's good for a month, so get it while it's hot

Moderator Edit: Google Macheist if you want to find it. This looked like a referral link, which will get you ban't if repeated. Capice?


  • Reply 1 of 2
    Originally Posted by supernova View Post

    Howdy all,

    For those of you who have bought the first two bundles, you already know about MacHeist. For those that don't, here's the scoop:

    You can buy 12 great applications at over an 80% discount. The list includes:

    iClip - $30 retail

    CoverSutra - $23 retail

    Awaken - $13 retail

    Cha-Ching - $40 retail

    Xslimmer - $12 retail

    WriteRoom - $25 retail

    DEVONthink Personal - $40 retail

    Wallet - $15 retail

    Overflow - $15 retail

    and 3 great Pangea games:

    Enigmo - $20 retail

    Nanosaur 2 - $25 retail

    Bugdom 2 - $30 retail

    Altogether, well over $250 worth of software for only $49. The offer's good for a month, so get it while it's hot

    Linky removed. Google if it you're interested. -Mod

    Normally I wouldn't bother posting, but after reading this spam on every single Apple site I'm cruising through on a Sunday evening, it's getting a bit much.

    DevonThink is a solid, excellent app, WriteRoom has its uses, they're surrounded by a lot of junk from the last MacHeist bundle, which wouldn't really bother me if it wasn't in my face on every single Apple related system I have visited today. I'm glad you've all found a productive way to pimp money off the sweat of indie Mac developers- since you seem to be getting paid hand over fist: buy some ads and stop spamming every forum in the universe.

    I've personally gone from ambivalent to cranky, in the space of 2 hours.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    grahamwgrahamw Posts: 575member
    I'm okay with the MacHeist bundle - but it looked like that was a referral link, which I'm not down with. Supernova, you're on notice - do it again and you're so history you'll be able to watch the big bang coming.
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