Realistically...where is the new iMac?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I am in the market for a new iMac, especially since my wonderful iMac G5 is starting to feel the effects of single-core performance limitations, a relatively old GPU and lack of virtualization options or newer commercial software offerings (as they all tend to be Intel-only).

My simple question is: WHEN are the updated iMacs coming? I've checked MacRumors Buyers' Guide, and the normal update cycle is far overdue for the iMac. I've heard from some that it's just around corner, and from others that it's coming only by June alongside the WWDC.

My needs are like this: 24" model, at least 2Gb RAM, a sizeable HD (at least 320Gb) and a mid-performing GPU for the usual gaming moments with CoD 1/2, Star Wars KOTOR and other ordinary games (nothing really fancy). Another concern: I want a truly performing machine to handle HandBrake encoding tasks for the Region 1 DVDs I have and the AppleTV downstairs (since my iMac G5 takes 9 hours whereas a new iMac would take less than 2 to encode a movie completely).

So, do you think new models are just coming out with specs like the following? Any tips will be highly appreciated.

iMacs 20" and 24";

2Gb standard in all models;

500Gb HD minimum;

Standard connectors/networking options/webcam;

Core 2 Duo Penryn 2.4 GHz minimum;

GPU: no ATi, but mid-range NVIDIA choices (like the 8600 perhaps?).



  • Reply 1 of 20
    bclapperbclapper Posts: 237member
    Not sure you'll get NVIDIA as it seems ATi is the way to go for iMacs these days

    RAM you can upgrade yourself so that shouldn't be a concern

    As you put it, some say it's round the corner, others peg it nearer June. You'll see this else where but If you need it now - buy it now. If you can wait - then do

    Only Apple big wigs really know when a refresh is coming for sure
  • Reply 2 of 20
    bobertoqbobertoq Posts: 172member
    Originally Posted by brlawyer View Post

    iMacs 20" and 24";

    2Gb standard in all models;

    500Gb HD minimum;

    Standard connectors/networking options/webcam;

    Core 2 Duo Penryn 2.4 GHz minimum;

    GPU: no ATi, but mid-range NVIDIA choices (like the 8600 perhaps?).


    That sounds pretty nice, but I'd stick with ATI. I would also like an LED display with an option for matte (I still prefer glossy) and a 30" iMac with an available quad-core or 3.0 GHZ processor would be awesome!! but a 30" quad-core iMac will never happen...

    But, as always:

    If you need or want it now, buy it now. If you can wait, then wait.
  • Reply 3 of 20
    Originally Posted by bobertoq View Post

    That sounds pretty nice, but I'd stick with ATI. I would also like an LED display with an option for matte (I still prefer glossy) and a 30" iMac with an available quad-core or 3.0 GHZ processor would be awesome!! but a 30" quad-core iMac will never happen...

    But, as always:

    If you need or want it now, buy it now. If you can wait, then wait.


    here is a suggestion... if u really need a top of the line mac and right away... consider getting a macpro, but i think that apple is going to come out with newer models at or right around WWDC (along with new aluminum macbooks)...

    there u go

  • Reply 4 of 20
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    Originally Posted by brlawyer View Post

    My simple question is: WHEN are the updated iMacs coming? I've checked MacRumors Buyers' Guide, and the normal update cycle is far overdue for the iMac. I've heard from some that it's just around corner, and from others that it's coming only by June alongside the WWDC.

    Well the MBP and MB got a Penryn CPU bump and the Mini and iMac still need to be upgraded. Montevina in June or thereabouts will benefit the laptops more so I'd reckon the iMac and Mini should be updated sooner rather than later.

    But then again, they might leave the updates until Montevina so that they can introduce a new, smaller Mini and thinner iMac.

    Originally Posted by brlawyer View Post

    Another concern: I want a truly performing machine to handle HandBrake encoding tasks for the Region 1 DVDs I have and the AppleTV downstairs (since my iMac G5 takes 9 hours whereas a new iMac would take less than 2 to encode a movie completely).

    Maybe try using MacTheRipper and then isquint or visual hub to convert to ipod format at a higher resolution - don't use H264, just mpeg-4 as it goes twice as fast and the quality difference isn't huge if you use a high enough bitrate.

    An Intel Mac should do a DVD in 30 minutes and I wouldn't expect a G5 to take longer than 1.5 hours.
  • Reply 5 of 20
    lol,it's allready great.

  • Reply 6 of 20
    Originally Posted by brlawyer View Post

    I've checked MacRumors Buyers' Guide, and the normal update cycle is far overdue for the iMac.

    Is it?

    The last update cycle for the iMac was 11 months.
  • Reply 7 of 20
    tailpipetailpipe Posts: 345member
    Realistically...where is the new iMac?

    i think this is a very good question.It isn't that the existing iMac is so bad, but that so many other competing systems have made it look old before its time. i think a Penryn based chip plus a good graphics processor that puts it on par with a MacBook Pro is essential. There's a very simple reason for this.

    To a large extent mobile computing needs - email and web browsing - are being met by the iPhone. The need for a PC that we can take everywhere is thus less critical than it used to be. i for one can get by with just an iMac and an iPhone. That being the case, I need an iMac that's as powerful as my old MacBook Pro.

    Buy a Mac Pro already, i hear you say. Yes, but i love the form factor of the iMac. It is brilliant: large screen and a keyboard, no more, no less. What more could you need so long as the computing power is top notch?

    Apple is getting so good at form factors, the only real issue is to give users the computing power they want. Hope you chaps agree.
  • Reply 8 of 20
    brlawyerbrlawyer Posts: 828member
    Originally Posted by diskimage View Post

    Is it?

    The last update cycle for the iMac was 11 months.

    No, it's not. From the site itself:


    RecommendationtDon't Buy - Updates soon

    Last Release\tAugust 07, 2007

    Days Since Update\t258 (Avg = 205)

    Another question...what will be the focused areas of update?

    Just minor bumps on CPU, HD and GPU?

    Or is there something else up Apple's sleeve..? I mean, faster FW (1600?), faster USB (USB3?), higher-res cam etc...what do you think?
  • Reply 9 of 20
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by Tailpipe View Post

    Realistically...where is the new iMac?

    i think this is a very good question.It isn't that the existing iMac is so bad, but that so many other competing systems have made it look old before its time. i think a Penryn based chip plus a good graphics processor that puts it on par with a MacBook Pro is essential. There's a very simple reason for this.

    To a large extent mobile computing needs - email and web browsing - are being met by the iPhone. The need for a PC that we can take everywhere is thus less critical than it used to be. i for one can get by with just an iMac and an iPhone. That being the case, I need an iMac that's as powerful as my old MacBook Pro.

    Buy a Mac Pro already, i hear you say. Yes, but i love the form factor of the iMac. It is brilliant: large screen and a keyboard, no more, no less. What more could you need so long as the computing power is top notch?

    Apple is getting so good at form factors, the only real issue is to give users the computing power they want. Hope you chaps agree.

    My dream team: iMac, MBA, 3G iPhone.
  • Reply 10 of 20
    Originally Posted by brlawyer View Post

    Just minor bumps on CPU, HD and GPU?

    Probably. The case was redesigned the last time it was updated, so that won't change.
  • Reply 11 of 20
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    Originally Posted by bclapper View Post

    Not sure you'll get NVIDIA as it seems ATi is the way to go for iMacs these days

    Yep. Nvidia's marketing emphasizes paying more for the very best -- at least this is what the guy I know at Nvidia told me.
  • Reply 12 of 20
    Originally Posted by brlawyer View Post

    No, it's not. From the site itself:


    RecommendationtDon't Buy - Updates soon

    Last Release\tAugust 07, 2007

    Days Since Update\t258 (Avg = 205)

    That is the average since the first iMac. I was just talking about the last update. I realize that according to the average it should have been released already. I was expecting the iMac already like a lot of people. However I looked today at a more recent time frame for iMac updates and found that the current iMac was released in August 2007 and it replaced the previous model that was released in September 2006.

    That is where I got 11 months from.
  • Reply 13 of 20
    Originally Posted by brlawyer View Post

    Another question...what will be the focused areas of update?

    Just minor bumps on CPU, HD and GPU?

    Or is there something else up Apple's sleeve..? I mean, faster FW (1600?), faster USB (USB3?), higher-res cam etc...what do you think?

    I think some sort of multi touch will be added to the iMac. Possibly in the form of a new mouse with some multi touch features. Also the new iMac might be released with 10.5.3

    Just a few theories. You never can be quite sure with apple
  • Reply 14 of 20
    trobertstroberts Posts: 702member
    Originally Posted by brlawyer View Post

    Just minor bumps on CPU, HD and GPU?

    I can see the iMac getting PCI-Express 2.0 for the graphics, and if it uses the Montevina platform, then I can see it using DisplayPort.
  • Reply 15 of 20
    brlawyerbrlawyer Posts: 828member
    Originally Posted by diskimage View Post

    That is the average since the first iMac. I was just talking about the last update. I realize that according to the average it should have been released already. I was expecting the iMac already like a lot of people. However I looked today at a more recent time frame for iMac updates and found that the current iMac was released in August 2007 and it replaced the previous model that was released in September 2006.

    That is where I got 11 months from.

    But this is exactly what I said; the Guide refers to UPDATES, not only NEW releases...considering that the last update occurred in August 2007 and that the one before that took 205 days, it makes sense to expect something sooner than later...
  • Reply 16 of 20
    Originally Posted by diskimage View Post

    That is the average since the first iMac. I was just talking about the last update. I realize that according to the average it should have been released already. I was expecting the iMac already like a lot of people. However I looked today at a more recent time frame for iMac updates and found that the current iMac was released in August 2007 and it replaced the previous model that was released in September 2006.

    That is where I got 11 months from.

    Well, per Mactracker (20" iMacs):

    White G5 ---------------------released Aug. 04

    White G5 w/ (ambient light sensor) -released May 05 (9 mo.)

    White Last G5 (iSight) ------------released Oct. 05 (5 mo.)

    White Core Duo ----------------released Jan. 06 (3 mo.)

    White Core 2 Duo ---------------released Sept 06 (8 mo.)

    Alum. Core 2 Duo ---------------released Aug. 07 (11 mo.)

    so, although the last revision wait was a long one, it contained a case redesign. The previous 2 revisions, each containing a processor revision, took only 3 and 8 months.
  • Reply 17 of 20
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    My dream team: iMac, MBA, 3G iPhone.


    My dream team would be a macpro, macbook (of course the new aluminum 1s they r comin out wit soon), a tablet type device and an unlocked 3G iphone

    Yeah... ill keep dreaming
  • Reply 18 of 20
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by oneoftheothers View Post


    Yep. The Mac Pro is a beast. Its really more power than I could ever need or utilize. The iMac is a perfect form factor for me and powerful enough. With an iMac, the MBA becomes the perfect travel companion. The iPhone is for when I don't even want to be bothered with the MBA.
  • Reply 19 of 20
    Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post

    so, although the last revision wait was a long one, it contained a case redesign.

    Ah yes I forgot about the case redesign.

    However if you look at the first revision after a case redesign for the last two iMac case redesigns it was 9 months. So ether we can expect a revision in May to follow the pattern or apple may wait for the new chips in June.

    Either way I am going to wait for the revision to buy.
  • Reply 20 of 20
    brlawyerbrlawyer Posts: 828member
    Originally Posted by diskimage View Post

    Ah yes I forgot about the case redesign.

    However if you look at the first revision after a case redesign for the last two iMac case redesigns it was 9 months. So ether we can expect a revision in May to follow the pattern or apple may wait for the new chips in June.

    Either way I am going to wait for the revision to buy.

    Ditto for me, seems like the revision is either around the corner or coming in early June at the iMac G5 is ok until then...
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