Windows is Not Doomed But....
There is definitely a shift in the opinions regarding windows and OSX.
There are many forum members here that also visit arstchnica. Debates there in the Battlefront forum regarding Windows and Mac are epic. Recently a *big* proponent of windows, who also is a contributing writer there, has switched to the Mac. He is extolling the virtues of OSX as platform for software development as well as lamenting the future of windows.
While this is only one persons opinion it is fairly significant in that he was a big proponent of windows and lays out his reasons for the change of opinion in a compelling manner. Its not a 'I'm sick of viruses and spyware' stuff. Its much deeper than that.
There are many forum members here that also visit arstchnica. Debates there in the Battlefront forum regarding Windows and Mac are epic. Recently a *big* proponent of windows, who also is a contributing writer there, has switched to the Mac. He is extolling the virtues of OSX as platform for software development as well as lamenting the future of windows.
While this is only one persons opinion it is fairly significant in that he was a big proponent of windows and lays out his reasons for the change of opinion in a compelling manner. Its not a 'I'm sick of viruses and spyware' stuff. Its much deeper than that.
There is definitely a shift in the opinions regarding windows and OSX.
There are many forum members here that also visit arstchnica. Debates there in the Battlefront forum regarding Windows and Mac are epic. Recently a *big* proponent of windows, who also is a contributing writer there, has switched to the Mac. He is extolling the virtues of OSX as platform for software development as well as lamenting the future of windows.
While this is only one persons opinion it is fairly significant in that he was a big proponent of windows and lays out his reasons for the change of opinion in a compelling manner. Its not a 'I'm sick of viruses and spyware' stuff. Its much deeper than that.
Either one too many bsod's, or one too many shoddy drivers.
There is definitely a shift in the opinions regarding windows and OSX.
There are many forum members here that also visit arstchnica. Debates there in the Battlefront forum regarding Windows and Mac are epic. Recently a *big* proponent of windows, who also is a contributing writer there, has switched to the Mac. He is extolling the virtues of OSX as platform for software development as well as lamenting the future of windows.
While this is only one persons opinion it is fairly significant in that he was a big proponent of windows and lays out his reasons for the change of opinion in a compelling manner. Its not a 'I'm sick of viruses and spyware' stuff. Its much deeper than that.
Meh...his concentration on the win32 API indicates to me he's kinda missed the whole point of going .NET even for application development (not just internal small VB apps or .NET web apps).
While MS didn't release a new OS in the same timeframe as 10.1-10.5 they did do .NET 1.1, .NET 2.0, .NET 3.0 and now .NET 3.5.
The guy is plain wrong that window devs don't care about the latest and greatest technology given the interest in WPF, .NET 3.5 and Silverlight by windows developers.
There are as many early adoptors in the windows dev world as there are total OSX devs.
Writing for Windows is FAR better than it was when he started. .NET is vastly better than MFC and with .NET I never have to directly deal with Win32 issues aside from the occasional gotchas that exist in all software development.
Now there are pains with development in Windows with Microsoft APIs. Quite a few have died an untimely death...MDX died and became XNA is one example.
Meh...his concentration on the win32 API indicates to me he's kinda missed the whole point of going .NET even for application development (not just internal small VB apps or .NET web apps).
While MS didn't release a new OS in the same timeframe as 10.1-10.5 they did do .NET 1.1, .NET 2.0, .NET 3.0 and now .NET 3.5.
The guy is plain wrong that window devs don't care about the latest and greatest technology given the interest in WPF, .NET 3.5 and Silverlight by windows developers.
There are as many early adoptors in the windows dev world as there are total OSX devs.
Writing for Windows is FAR better than it was when he started. .NET is vastly better than MFC and with .NET I never have to directly deal with Win32 issues aside from the occasional gotchas that exist in all software development.
Now there are pains with development in Windows with Microsoft APIs. Quite a few have died an untimely death...MDX died and became XNA is one example.
I'm not a sw developer so its hard for me to follow all the back and forth in the arguments but several readers brought up those points about .NET.
I find it interesting that he wishes MS would take an Apple strategy and develop a new OS and maintain backwards compatibility by running all old apps in a classic environment. His thoughts on Win 7 being modular are interesting. I don't know if he'll be right but still an interesting read IMO.