Do I need RAM designed for MacBook Pros to upgrade a MacBook Pro?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Hello, I recently bought a MacBook Pro (2.4GHz, multi-touch) and I wish to upgrade the 2GB of RAM inside of it. These are the specs as I understand them:


? 667MHz, PC2-5300

? CAS latency of 5

? 1.8V

Okay, so I don't understand what all of this means but I do believe I've found RAM (2x2GB modules) that match these. They are Kingston brand and support duel channel. The big draw is that they aren't outrageously expensive, like the stuff Apple sells directly.

What I'm wondering is does it matter whether the RAM is meant for Mac systems specifically? Will something like this

work, for example?


  • Reply 1 of 3
    mydomydo Posts: 1,888member
    It meets the spec's it should work. There is no "apple ram".
  • Reply 2 of 3
    cmercmer Posts: 2member
    Don't buy ram from Apple. It's outrageously overpriced. I always buy my laptop ram from Fry's, never had any problems. Just make sure to get quality ram as Macs are a little pickier.

    For example, last time I bought ram from Fry's, it was Crucial memory, made by Hynix, which happens to be the EXACT same brand that was in that computer (from Apple).
  • Reply 3 of 3
    leviticusleviticus Posts: 18member
    Laptop RAM is going to be the same between PC and Mac, but take into consideration that fact that different generations of computers will have different RAM types, but that isn't always 100% the case.

    New RAM will do you just fine.
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