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in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I have the new 2.4ghz macbook with 2gig of ram. I want to upgrade to 4gigs of ram. Where is the cheapest place where i can purchase the ram from? What are the best brand of ram for macbook? thanks


  • Reply 1 of 6
    bclapperbclapper Posts: 237member
    Two of the most popular (and reliable) you will probably hear mentioned are Crucial and OWC.



    I have no affiliation to either of the above, do a little research and buy the cheapest you find at the time

    If you're unsure how to do it there are plenty of guides available, here is just one

    YouTube How To: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Zjzv-mJxFY
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  • Reply 2 of 6
    kenrc51kenrc51 Posts: 31member
    thanks alot bclapper. To upgrade to 4gig of ram i need 2 x 2 gig stick right? So the 2 x 1 gig stick goes to no use? Can i sell them? How much you think i can sell them for? How come to upgrade to 4 gig ram cost $400? man that so expensive where as other brand cost like $120? Are the apple rams better?
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  • Reply 3 of 6
    bclapperbclapper Posts: 237member
    Apple charges a lot for RAM cos a lot of people will pay it rather than undo a couple of screws on their machine.

    Probably best to keep your old RAM and if you have any warranty issues then put it back in before it goes in for repair. It's likely to get stripped out and replaced with standard kit by Apple if you don't

    And yes, 2 x 2GHz will do it - very nicely!

    Good luck
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  • Reply 4 of 6
    kenrc51kenrc51 Posts: 31member
    you think i would notice the difference in the ram upgrade on my macbook? I just use it to surf and do homework.
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  • Reply 5 of 6
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by kenrc51 View Post

    you think i would notice the difference in the ram upgrade on my macbook? I just use it to surf and do homework.

    Well it depends on the heaviness of your surfing and homework combined. Generally no, but then as I said I cannot know what exactly you are going to do. Even so, I would say go for it and you will not regret it. I have seen Safari alone eating more than 400 MB of real memory for only 5-6 tabs, although this happens after some time and use.

    In my case, which is similar to yours (surfing and homework), the machine pages out even with 4 GB of RAM in there. 2 GB would quickly start to be painful in my case.

    And as the others said, do not sell the factory memory (or any other component), since in case of repair Apple will convert the computer to its factory configuration.
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  • Reply 6 of 6
    jtusjtus Posts: 18member
    Originally Posted by kenrc51 View Post

    I have the new 2.4ghz macbook with 2gig of ram. I want to upgrade to 4gigs of ram. Where is the cheapest place where i can purchase the ram from? What are the best brand of ram for macbook? thanks

    Go to this site


    4 gig kit is $119.00

    I have there ram in 4 computers all work great.
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