EMI Firmware Update 1.3 problem

in macOS edited January 2014
I'm having a weird problem with the 1.3 version of EMI Firmware Update.

After I restart my computer after installation, everything seems okay. But a couple of days later, Software Update prompts me that I need to install exactly the same firmware update again, as if I hadn't installed it in the first place.

Anyone else getting this?


  • Reply 1 of 5
    bclapperbclapper Posts: 237member
    Didn't this update make you run the downloaded update file after the re-start if I recall.

    Have you tried updating again as per the request? Humour your Mac, it may be correct \
  • Reply 2 of 5
    mambo06mambo06 Posts: 23member
    It's taken me a while to get back on this thread, but I wanted to see if it dissapeared after installing 10.5.3 - unfortunately, it's still there....

    It has it listed as installed on the "installed updates" section.... several times over.

    This is the weirdest problem in the world, and quite frustrating. Any more ideas?
  • Reply 3 of 5
    Did you do the whole shut down, hold the power button, wait for the series of beeps, see the weird screen with the progress bar?
  • Reply 4 of 5
    mambo06mambo06 Posts: 23member
    No, but I've just realised WHY I haven't done that - it doesn't shut down for me. It just runs the script, and says it the firmware is install, without even the mention to shut down. It all seems done, until I check again for updates, and there's EFI Firmware 1.3 once again!
  • Reply 5 of 5

    I am having the same problem as Mambo06 has outlined above, and I am unsure what to do next.

    Yes, I click on the shut down option, but no, I don't get the funny screen and series of beeps. It just shuts down, and the next time I start up, it wants to do the whole thing again.

    Any ideas?
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