Jumping windows in X

in macOS edited January 2014
Do anyone know why windows sometimes suddenly jump from one point of the screen to another?


  • Reply 1 of 4
    jambojambo Posts: 3,036member
    I don't know but I'm so glad someone else is having this problem. I thought it was just me!

    J :cool:
  • Reply 2 of 4
    scott_h_phdscott_h_phd Posts: 448member
    Apple still hasn't fixed this yet huh? What else haven't they fixed?
  • Reply 3 of 4
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by scott_h_phd:

    <strong>Apple still hasn't fixed this yet huh? What else haven't they fixed?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    My ScottSpamFilter still doesn´t work.
  • Reply 4 of 4
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    It happens a lot in Win2k as well. I believe it's related to the OS multitasking. Between the time you click on a window to move it and the time you "let go", the OS has gone and done something else. But, because the 'puter was off doing something else (multitasking) it misses the signal to let go of the window. Usually when this happens I find that I can move the window around without holding the mouse button at all. It's a bit of a bug I guess, but happens all the time in Win2K as well. I'm not sure if it's been cleared up in XP, but it's probably a trivial fix.
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