My Xmac concept

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Let me start out by accentuate that this is my personal concept and just a thought on my part. I'm not nearly tech savvy enough to know if it even would work. And I certainly don't beleive it is something that Apple likely would do..

My dillemma is a very common one. Or at least I believe it is At the moment I find it difficult to maintain my several machines in perfect sync, and it's quite frankly driving me near insanity. I REALLY want a single computer to fill all my needs. In order to acheive that i realised that I had to list what these needs exactly are, so here goes:

Laptop form factor

1.Normal computing (browsing, mail, text editing etc.)


3.Recording/ listening to music

4.Mediacenter capabilities


6.Photo editing

Basically a macbook pro could do this, but it would need to be hooked up to several usb devices and a 30"+ monitor. But this removes the protability, at least for me. I don't want to unplug/plug 4 or 5 cables several times a day.

Thats why my concept includes a docking station. But why not take it further? ala the powerbook duo. Why not make a dock that boosts performance?

So, this is the concept:

Macbook pro, next gen with montevina - With a dockin port at the bottom, like thinkpads have. And finally a smartbay instead of an optical drive. I don't want to go in detail with the specs of this machine other than this, the rest is not that important.

Dock specs:

4 ram slots

Desktop class high end graphics card

Optical Drive

Usb/firewire hub

Now, as said I dont know if it would work. For one I don't know the transfer speed of the docking port, but I do know the thinkpad advanced dock includes a ½ size pci slot, so it's not tatolly far fetched. And I think one might be able to disable the internal graphics via software.

That is my concept for a fully portable hassle free desktop replacement. I don't believe Apple, or anyone else for that matter, would likely do this. But I'd buy it in an instant if they did

Any thoughts by more tech savvy users than me.. Could it be done?


  • Reply 1 of 4
    cdnalsicdnalsi Posts: 33member
    Or just have the Macbook Pro come with 500gb hdd, 4gigs of ram standard, 8800m GTX 512mb.

    And god forbid they'd make it 1.1inches thick, or maybe even 1.2inches.

    Wouldn't mind at all.
  • Reply 2 of 4
    futurepastnowfuturepastnow Posts: 1,772member
    No. Docking stations are never successful; if they aren't included with the laptop (and they never are), no one will buy them. And most people who want a desktop are never going to touch a docked laptop solution; there are far too many compromises.
  • Reply 3 of 4
    hookhook Posts: 42member
    Originally Posted by FuturePastNow View Post

    No. Docking stations are never successful; if they aren't included with the laptop (and they never are), no one will buy them. And most people who want a desktop are never going to touch a docked laptop solution; there are far too many compromises.

    What about this? This makes complete sense. Would be a better solution (for me) then buying an extra screen that i have to keep plugging in, and unplugging. This story seemed to get little attention.
  • Reply 4 of 4
    cdnalsicdnalsi Posts: 33member
    Isn't it funny and somehow sad in the same time, when somebody thinks he or she has a great idea, storms on the forums, exposes it with a lot of enthusiasm, only to be let down and burried by the very people the OP thought would appreciate and applaud their idea?
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