please explain again about MacBook and Bravia

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in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I am not very technically competent and haven't understood the issues in hooking my MacBook Pro to my 40" Bravia. Can someone patiently explain what I can or can't do:

I just want to be able to show Youtube videos to my toddler and I don't really need HD-quality images for him. Just as long as the image is legible to a toddler it would be fine for me. That's really all I expect the hook-up to be used for.


--do I just run a cable from my Mac's video output to the Bravia's video input, and also an audio cable?

--do I need any sort of converter or just the cable?

--the Bravia site says I need to have a laptop that is compatible in terms of scans (whatever that is) or it can harm either the TV or the laptop. Is the Macbook Pro compatible in this respect?

--is there some sort of issue about the screen size? Do I need to do something? (And if so, how?).

If this kind of hookup can be done, I'd love to have someone tell me step by step in non-technical language what to do.

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