Hello Suni here... I am in London now :)

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Hi all, it's me, and I am in London now. I know if any of you are looking through my old posts, it has been a roller coaster these past, oh, 5 years+ on AppleInsider...

However, we shan't deliberate on that, just letting you all know, Hi, I am in London for about two months, and scoping out teh Apple *edit: Job* stuff. Any leads, rants, raves, feedback and so on, please share.


  • Reply 1 of 13
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,443moderator
    Originally Posted by sunilraman View Post

    scoping out teh Apple jobby stuff.

    Checking out the iMacs, huh.

    Jobby is another word for excrement in the UK btw.

    Hope everything goes well. What kind of job are you thinking about?
  • Reply 2 of 13
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,829member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman View Post

    Hi all, it's me, and I am in London now. I know if any of you are looking through my old posts, it has been a roller coaster these past, oh, 5 years+ on AppleInsider...

    However, we shan't deliberate on that, just letting you all know, Hi, I am in London for about two months, and scoping out teh Apple jobby stuff. Any leads, rants, raves, feedback and so on, please share.

    Hi Suni

    Let us know what you think of The Apple store in London. I've visited ones in San Francisco (Stockton St.) and Boston (not Boylston St. yet - in a few weeks!). Are the only noticeable differences the accents you hear and the prices?

    Take care.
  • Reply 3 of 13
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
  • Reply 4 of 13
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Checking out the iMacs, huh.

    Jobby is another word for excrement in the UK btw.

    Hope everything goes well. What kind of job are you thinking about?

    Jeez thanks a lot. All these new UK words!! ARGH LOL

    BTW Hello to all that replied
  • Reply 5 of 13
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    ...What kind of job are you thinking about?

    Mac Specialist kind of stuff, Apple Product Professional... Retail scene. I've been working at an Apple Premium Reseller in Malaysia for about a year. Open to various ideas, since I've just got here. We went to the Thames Barrier this evening and the guy telling us that we couldn't park inside but could walk in, well, he was quite nice and told us he was making £11 per hour. Oh the opportunities abound in this land...!

    Formally I am on unpaid leave from my Malaysian job, but the managers (if they are reading this... um.. ur.. yeah) do understand I'm exploring various things.
  • Reply 6 of 13
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally Posted by IQatEdo View Post

    Hi Suni

    Let us know what you think of The Apple store in London. I've visited ones in San Francisco (Stockton St.) and Boston (not Boylston St. yet - in a few weeks!). Are the only noticeable differences the accents you hear and the prices?

    Take care.

    Ah, when I lived/ visited SF and Boston in 2000-2002, there was no Apple Stores at all. ...Just your "good buddies" at teh ol' CompUSA. Mmm... I spent way too much unproductive time at the downtown Market Street CompUSA. For better or worse, it was the best IT store in the city, at the time, IIRC. Frys further South towards Silicon Valley (can't remember which one exactly) was a mind-boggling conundrum of PC geekery.

    Yeah, I should be going into Regent St sometime in the next few days, will try and report back here without compromising my chances of working there. PS to all: RE: Uk Slang: Yes please continue to inform me. I thought they spoke English here. Apparently not quite...
  • Reply 7 of 13
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,829member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman View Post

    Ah when I lived/ visited SF and Boston in 2000-2002, there was no Apple Stores at all. ...Just your "good buddies" at teh ol' CompUSA. Mmm... I spent way too much unproductive time at the downtown Market Street CompUSA. It was the best IT store in the city, at the time, IIRC. Frys further South towards Silicon Valley (can't remember which one exactly) was a mind-boggling conundrum of PC geekery.

    Yeah I should be going into Regent St sometime in the next few days, will try and report back here without compromising my chances of working there.

    PS to all

    RE: Uk Slang: Yes please continue to inform me. I thought they spoke English here. Apparently not quite...

    Ask someone with an obvious Cockney accent what kind of 'mow-uh' he or she drives - if you are interested in cars!
  • Reply 8 of 13
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Okay... So I checked out Regent Street Apple Store today. Large, spacious, packed, well-organised. Specialists in blue-green (turquoise, I would say)... With wireless handheld credit card reader/Symbol/PDA thingys. One to one training area was quite well-staffed with what seemed like quite patient trainers (blue shirt with "Trainer"). Genius Bar and iPod Bar areas. The presentation area/ mini-theatre had something going on (indie music publishing or something like that).

    The cool thing about the Regent Street store that I didn't expect was some nice tilework on the front of the building... Architecture is nice as in the whole area, but the tilework was cool. They preserved a decent amount of the frontage. Walked past "the" Savoy on the way there and back. Very nice. However it is being renovated and re-done, etc.

    Brent Cross was quite well-staffed, the store is very deep, a lot more space than you would expect from seeing only the front of the store.

    I've got a seminar/ group interview or something in Kingston next week. At just about the same time Steve starts to give his WWDC Keynote. Where some see random un-related coincidence, I see... Fate. Perhaps? Anyways the journey continues. There was a nice girl on the train that I think was checking me out. Or maybe my zip was down or something.
  • Reply 9 of 13
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    The impression I get is that Apple Retail is all about on-the-ground marketing for them. Certainly behind the scenes at Apple HQ and so on, they've got things pretty much sorted out. That's what I feel at this stage.

    It seems like the stores have a ton of demo Mac and iPods, vastly outweighing (as one might expect) the 3rd party accessories. In a lot of Apple Premium Resellers, I find sometimes 3rd party stuff dominates the core Apple products a bit too much.
  • Reply 10 of 13
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Checking out the iMacs, huh.

    Jobby is another word for excrement in the UK btw.

    Hope everything goes well. What kind of job are you thinking about?

    "Fallin' down on the jobby, are we guv'nuh?"
  • Reply 11 of 13
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Last time I was in the UK, I picked up some throat lozenges from the chain store called Boots and had a cab ride around downtown London. The whole place seemed much smaller than I was expecting.
  • Reply 12 of 13
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,829member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman View Post

    Okay... So I checked out Regent Street Apple Store today. Large, spacious, packed, well-organised. Specialists in blue-green (turquoise, I would say)... With wireless handheld credit card reader/Symbol/PDA thingys. One to one training area was quite well-staffed with what seemed like quite patient trainers (blue shirt with "Trainer"). Genius Bar and iPod Bar areas. The presentation area/ mini-theatre had something going on (indie music publishing or something like that).

    The cool thing about the Regent Street store that I didn't expect was some nice tilework on the front of the building... Architecture is nice as in the whole area, but the tilework was cool. They preserved a decent amount of the frontage. Walked past "the" Savoy on the way there and back. Very nice. However it is being renovated and re-done, etc.

    Brent Cross was quite well-staffed, the store is very deep, a lot more space than you would expect from seeing only the front of the store.

    I've got a seminar/ group interview or something in Kingston next week. At just about the same time Steve starts to give his WWDC Keynote. Where some see random un-related coincidence, I see... Fate. Perhaps? Anyways the journey continues. There was a nice girl on the train that I think was checking me out. Or maybe my zip was down or something.

    Suni, either the girl liked you, or thought that you were perhaps a terrorist or your fly was undone - honestly, you should be able to pick the look that goes with each of those possibilities.

    In San Francisco, being an out-of-towner, I used Stockton St. as a base and felt quite at home there. Even had a faulty iPod replaced under warranty.

    All the best!
  • Reply 13 of 13
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Thanks for the support and information. I'll be seeing you on the flipside, that is, after WWDC madness. I've got a seminar/ group interview/ etc. this evening at one of the Apple Stores upon its closing for the day, and yeah, about the time WWDC happens.

    I hope, and pray, that when the iPhone 2 goes on sale, you'll see me somewhere in an official UK Apple Store, as an employee, not one in the queue... (PM me and I'll keep a few for you... LOL... nah just kidding that would be very wrong... ur... yeah.... wrong.... *cough*) LOL.

    Take care and have a good WWDC.

    It has been an honour serving the Apple community, in the past year or so when I was at Machines, Apple Premium Reseller, Malaysia. The night Leopard was launched in Asia, the opening of largest Apple Reseller Store in Malaysia, Lot 10, getting the first hand look at the MacBook Air, getting my Leopard Client certification, one of the first in the country, certainly one of the first few batches in Asia-Pacific ex. Japan/Australia/NZ... Some good times. Certainly there were crazy insane tough times. But there were good times.
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