And one more thing...

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
(Steve Jobs):

"You know, we've had, and still do to this day products that cater to almost every single type of users... We've got the iPod, we've got the revolutionary iPhone, we've got the Mac Mini which is a great entry-value computer, we've got the iMac for home use, the Macbook for the enthusiast multimedia type, we've got the Mac Pro and the Macbook Pro for the professional type, but it seems as though we're missing out on a type of user. The gamer. Sure, the "new" Macbook Pro has the awesome nVidia chip, as well as the Mac Pro. But still something's missing. What's missing is the raw power that gamers want more and more from a mobile gaming system.

So today, we're introducing 2 new products that will rock the very foundation of Mac gaming: The Mac Gamer and the Macbook Gamer.

We've had the best of products shipping with our computers, from the latest Intel chips, to, now, the newest SSD drives, and today, we're introducing the latest nVidia chips into these Macs: Dual 9800 GX2 (1GB each) for the Mac Gamer and the newest 9800m GTX 1GB mobile chip for the Macbook Gamer 17". The 15" Macbook Gamer will feature the 8800m GTX 512MB. The 17" Macbook Gamer will feature either a Glossy or Matte 1920x1200 LED back lit display, and the 15" model... yest, you've guessed it:

either a Glossy or Matte 1920x1200 LED back lit display.

Now of course we can't just squeeze these new nVidia chips into the new Macs just like that, so we've come up with a new case design for the Mac Gamer featuring liquid cooling, user-replaceable / no-tools entry for HDD, RAM and GPUs, and also we're introducing the new 1.76" thick redesigned chassis for the Macbook Gamer. User-replaceable HDD and RAM. It's only a pound heavier than the current Macbook Pro, but if you look at our competition's gaming laptops, our gamers are used to carrying 10 pounds+ computers in their backpack, so I really think we've made a big breakthrough in component design and chassis recreation.

These two new Macs are available TODAY, and will start shipping in a month."

Hehe, dream come true!!


  • Reply 1 of 10
    oh one can only dream!
  • Reply 2 of 10
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Never happen. Gaming apps will be additions to core Apple products (iPhone, iPod Touch, AppleTV), but there is no 'gaming' system on the horizon.
  • Reply 3 of 10
    blutnerdblutnerd Posts: 24member
    I do think that Apple will make a push towards gamers, but that's really not the way to do it. Those machines would only appeal to the classic PC gamer, and that's just 10% of the market or so and really not worth the hassle. I think Apple is looking really closely at Nintendo right now. Low power systems compared to the competition (Wii vs PS3, 360; DS vs PSP), but still absolutely dominating the market due to the appeal of the simple, intuitive controls. MultiTouch could be a fantastic gaming tool, but you have to think in terms of the next Nintendogs, not the next installment of Doom.
  • Reply 4 of 10
    Originally Posted by cdnalsi View Post

    (Steve Jobs):

    "You know, we've had, and still do to this day products that cater to almost every single type of users... We've got the iPod, we've got the revolutionary iPhone, we've got the Mac Mini which is a great entry-value computer, we've got the iMac for home use, the Macbook for the enthusiast multimedia type, we've got the Mac Pro and the Macbook Pro for the professional type, but it seems as though we're missing out on a type of user. The gamer. Sure, the "new" Macbook Pro has the awesome nVidia chip, as well as the Mac Pro. But still something's missing. What's missing is the raw power that gamers want more and more from a mobile gaming system.

    So today, we're introducing 2 new products that will rock the very foundation of Mac gaming: The Mac Gamer and the Macbook Gamer.

    We've had the best of products shipping with our computers, from the latest Intel chips, to, now, the newest SSD drives, and today, we're introducing the latest nVidia chips into these Macs: Dual 9800 GX2 (1GB each) for the Mac Gamer and the newest 9800m GTX 1GB mobile chip for the Macbook Gamer 17". The 15" Macbook Gamer will feature the 8800m GTX 512MB. The 17" Macbook Gamer will feature either a Glossy or Matte 1920x1200 LED back lit display, and the 15" model... yest, you've guessed it:

    either a Glossy or Matte 1920x1200 LED back lit display.

    Now of course we can't just squeeze these new nVidia chips into the new Macs just like that, so we've come up with a new case design for the Mac Gamer featuring liquid cooling, user-replaceable / no-tools entry for HDD, RAM and GPUs, and also we're introducing the new 1.76" thick redesigned chassis for the Macbook Gamer. User-replaceable HDD and RAM. It's only a pound heavier than the current Macbook Pro, but if you look at our competition's gaming laptops, our gamers are used to carrying 10 pounds+ computers in their backpack, so I really think we've made a big breakthrough in component design and chassis recreation.

    These two new Macs are available TODAY, and will start shipping in a month."

    Hehe, dream come true!!

    nice but with hardware like that you are looking at mac pro prices. A nice $1500 laptop with a good video card and $2000 one with a even better one will work better.

    A $700 and $2200 desktop with a range of video cards will be nice but SLI does not work on intel chipsets. Dual ATI cards will work. The base system will have to come with 1 video card with room for 2 to make for a good system that alot of gamers will buy.

    A system with 2 good Dual video cards is + a good cpu and other parts is $1000-$1500. X2 cards are $300 and up per card. liquid cooling systems can cost $120 - $200 or more.
  • Reply 5 of 10
    applepiapplepi Posts: 365member
    Never gonna happen. Apple is not a PC gaming company. This should be apparent by the fact that mac minis and macbooks have integrated graphics.

    PC gamers will also never accept macs. Most PC gamers have a very gawdy sense of style. They want a system that looks like it was designed by a 16 year old boy, hence Alienware or the like. Apple is a sophisticated computer company who caters to designers, artists and simple home users. Not testosterone pumped teenage boys who want to blow things up.

    If anything Blütnerd is right. Apple is more inline with Nintendo's philosophy on gaming. That is to create simple, fun games the whole family can enjoy. Games that don't need to be graphics intensive.

    Personally I think Apple will be pushing gaming like this on the iphone/touch. If they do anything for the mac, I could see them creating an itunes-like application that acts as a virtual gaming console inside OSX. Something that can also be accessed by frontrow. And then maybe release a wii style remote. Then a series of guidelines for developers to create games that work with that virtual console and remote.

    That would be a great way to push macmini or even AppleTV sales.
  • Reply 6 of 10
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    The Apple iDildo will happen before that does.
  • Reply 7 of 10
    cdnalsicdnalsi Posts: 33member
    But if you think about it, Call of Duty 4 and other games that are out for Mac would be sweeter than on the 8600m GT.

    So if they strike a deal with some gaming companies to port some titles like COD or you know, GTA IV, or whatever, they'll surely wanna put better video cards in Macs.
  • Reply 8 of 10
    jensonbjensonb Posts: 532member
    About as likely as Apple buying the Zune brand

    Seriously, Mac Gamer? It's Apple man, they would never use such a soulless, unimaginative name.
  • Reply 9 of 10
    cdnalsicdnalsi Posts: 33member
    Originally Posted by Jensonb View Post

    About as likely as Apple buying the Zune brand

    Seriously, Mac Gamer? It's Apple man, they would never use such a soulless, unimaginative name.

    Yeah, I know Mac Gamer sounds corny
  • Reply 10 of 10
    obscurionobscurion Posts: 16member
    The best selling game platform on the planet is the Nintendo DS. Small, portable, built-in screen...sound like anything Apple makes?

    If Apple goes after gaming it will be on the iPhone/iPod Touch and any other Touch products they may introduce.
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