Howcum Dept.

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Curiously, there are no current model iMacs in the refurb section. And, there haven't been any, either. With the issues Apple is having with the display's uneven lighting, one would think that there would at least be a few in the refurb Dept., but NO!

There's plenty of the last generation models, and even a couple of the offerings prior to them. They have current Mac Pros in there, along with some other current stuff. We've already heard about some returning their new iMac because of the display. What is Apple doing with them, re-selling them as new? One thing that they aren't doing is putting them in the refurb Dept.


  • Reply 1 of 5
    nancynancy Posts: 2member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    Curiously, there are no current model iMacs in the refurb section. And, there haven't been any, either. With the issues Apple is having with the display's uneven lighting, one would think that there would at least be a few in the refurb Dept., but NO!

    There's plenty of the last generation models, and even a couple of the offerings prior to them. They have current Mac Pros in there, along with some other current stuff. We've already heard about some returning their new iMac because of the display. What is Apple doing with them, re-selling them as new? One thing that they aren't doing is putting them in the refurb Dept.

    All Apple has to do is put a matte cover over the ridiculous gloss

    on the new iMacs and I'd buy one in an instant.

    This new, horrendous gloss makes it impossible to work

    with IMAGES or VIDEO.

    I can't believe Apple made such a GLARING MISTAKE!!
  • Reply 2 of 5
    zinfellazinfella Posts: 877member
    Originally Posted by nancy View Post

    All Apple has to do is put a matte cover over the ridiculous gloss

    on the new iMacs and I'd buy one in an instant.

    This new, horrendous gloss makes it impossible to work

    with IMAGES or VIDEO.

    I can't believe Apple made such a GLARING MISTAKE!!

    I do photography on my new iMac, and I love it! It's you that is mistaken. The issue is that The Apple Stores don't properly display the iMacs. They display them along with everything else in the store, under very bright overhead lights. I'm responding to you right now on my iMac, and it has no reflection issues, period.

    Edit to add that now some current models are available in the refurb section.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,439moderator
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    The issue is that The Apple Stores don't properly display the iMacs. They display them along with everything else in the store, under very bright overhead lights. I'm responding to you right now on my iMac, and it has no reflection issues, period.

    The issue more generally is if you have any amount of bright light behind you then any media that is remotely black on the screen will show a reflection:

    So while for some it's possible to set up your environment to avoid reflections, others may not have that luxury. To have to work in relative darkness is not something you have to do with matte displays. There simply shouldn't be one option.

    Anyway, this is about availability of the newer iMacs in the refurb store and I've seen loads. In fact, I haven't seen the old ones for ages so it probably depends on where your store is located. I would recommend that you go for the old white one if you can. They had better graphics cards, you could actually replace your own hard drive and as I say, matte screens have no issues with reflections under any circumstances. Not to mention they are higher quality screens than you get in the newer 20" iMac.
  • Reply 4 of 5
    zinfellazinfella Posts: 877member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    The issue more generally is if you have any amount of bright light behind you then any media that is remotely black on the screen will show a reflection:

    Whelp, if you can't properly setup an iMac, then what can I say?


    So while for some it's possible to set up your environment to avoid reflections, others may not have that luxury. To have to work in relative darkness is not something you have to do with matte displays. There simply shouldn't be one option.

    Take that up with Apple, I love my glossy screen.


    Anyway, this is about availability of the newer iMacs in the refurb store and I've seen loads. In fact, I haven't seen the old ones for ages so it probably depends on where your store is located. I would recommend that you go for the old white one if you can. They had better graphics cards, you could actually replace your own hard drive and as I say, matte screens have no issues with reflections under any circumstances. Not to mention they are higher quality screens than you get in the newer 20" iMac.

    What you don't realize is that all refurbs come from Apple directly, they're not in any of the Apple retail stores. Apple has a refurb site on the Apple Store page, bottom left. All returns to the Apple retail stores go back to Apple. IOW, you are talking about that which you have no knowledge.

    Next, there are currently three generations of iMacs in the Apple refurb store, including two of the old plastic models. When I first posted this thread, there were no current models available in the refurb store, they just showed up in the last few days, and after I bought my new 24" iMac.

    Lastly, I would not buy a previous generation machine, or a 20" machine, but feel free to do so yourself. I have not had any problems with this new iMac, if I did, I would have returned it. Do you have one, do you do photography? AFAIC, this reflection stuff is basically an internet myth, if you properly setup your iMac. As for listening to those that don't have one, no thanks, they are off base, and talking out of their hat.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,439moderator
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    Whelp, if you can't properly setup an iMac, then what can I say?

    What I can say is that with the old one, the 'setup' was simply placing the iMac wherever you wanted. For the new one to require anything more is a downgrade.

    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    Take that up with Apple, I love my glossy screen.

    If companies only had to satisfy the needs of one customer I'm sure business would be a lot easier.

    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    What you don't realize is that all refurbs come from Apple directly, they're not in any of the Apple retail stores. Apple has a refurb site on the Apple Store page, bottom left.

    I didn't mention the retail store, I said store, which referred to the refurb store. When I said local refurb store, I meant local to your country.

    The ones I found had the same spec as the newer ones. I didn't see any of the 3.06GHz model though. Just the 2.4GHz and 2.8GHz Extreme.

    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    AFAIC, this reflection stuff is basically an internet myth, if you properly setup your iMac. As for listening to those that don't have one, no thanks, they are off base, and talking out of their hat.

    I've used ones that other people own as well as a Macbook and I've tested them both under a variety of real-world conditions. It's not a myth and the videos, photos and reviews online show there are a number of people who recognise the problem.
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