Buy 2G iPhone or 3G?

in iPhone edited January 2014
2G - $1540 cheapest plan/phone

-Will probably go down to about 100/200 dollars on ebay and such

-Aluminum Back

-2G speeds

-$60 plan

-2.0 software

3G - $1879 cheapest plan/phone

-$199 or 299

-Better speakers?

-Shiny Black or White back

-3G speeds


-$70 plan

-2.0 software

I dont know how much I'd use the two main improvements (GPS and 3G), so would it be better to get the old 2G iphone after its prices go down?


  • Reply 1 of 3
    Originally Posted by tkelly View Post

    2G - $1540 cheapest plan/phone

    -$60 plan

    3G - $1879 cheapest plan/phone

    -$70 plan!!!!!

    why does the new iphone cost 70 a month,

    would it still cost 70 a month if i am one of the 9.99 lines or only 40 with the 30 data plan
  • Reply 2 of 3
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by tkelly View Post

    2G - Will probably go down to about 100/200 dollars on ebay and such

    Not if you advertise it as "the hackable iPhone"...
  • Reply 3 of 3
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,447moderator
    I was weighing this up myself and I came to the conclusion that at the very best, the older version could save maybe 30% over 18 months vs the new iphone. That's not really worth it IMO. The only reason would be not having to wait for Apple all the time. Developers can use custom iphone apps now and add them without itunes.

    After July 11th, if the devkit is easy enough to use and flexible enough to distribute apps easily then I'd say the new one is still the better buy. Comparing the 3G speeds makes it worth the extra - even if you don't think you'll need it, when you do need to check a web page and it takes a minute to load it, you will question whether you should have just paid a little extra.
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