Real NEtworks Server for OS X?

in macOS edited January 2014
Will Real Networks ever release an OS X version of it's streaming server product?

Its available for Unix, Windows, etc now. I think it would be a smart move!

I prefer Quicktime, even on my PC, but it would be nice to have a choice of streaming servers to use under X.

My company outsourced a company to stream our Real Player content. If I could do it on my OS X box, I would save thousands,have a cool fun project, get paid more and become a media guru!



  • Reply 1 of 2
    Bah I never really cared for real player. I allways though it was slow clunky and poor quality. I always used quicktime streaming for anything I needed to stream but I spose you cant really do that in this case. I dont know what to tell ya but i wish you luck
  • Reply 2 of 2
    drewpropsdrewprops Posts: 2,321member
    My only advice is: "Don't hold your breath".

    If REAL's response to OS X is any indication, a RealNetworks Server is out of the question. If they've made no moves toward creating an OS X version of their media PLAYER, why on Earth would they bother with making a server solution?

    My gut tells me to tell YOU that you might as well go looking for a different solution. I hate to say it, but Real Networks are on their ASS.

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