Getting an iPhone - bugs & service

in iPhone edited January 2014
I would like to get an iPhone 3G, but have a few questions. First, would I be ok to get it right away, or wait a month? I am not sure if 2.0 would be considered a small upgrade with only a few bugs; or a large upgrade (like Leopard) possibly with many bugs that could be fatal.

Second, I have heard horror stories with Cingular's billing and customer service. Was it ever bad to begin with, or was I just hearing the few bad cases? If it was, did the switch to AT&T fix it, or was that just a name change? I currently use Verizon and do not want to switch as I have had no problems, but will for an iPhone.

Last, what is the difference between the personal and enterprise data plans (I can't seem to find any details)? I was under the assumption that the personal was unlimited, so not sure why the more expensive option.




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    Originally Posted by jhatz768 View Post

    I would like to get an iPhone 3G, but have a few questions. First, would I be ok to get it right away, or wait a month? I am not sure if 2.0 would be considered a small upgrade with only a few bugs; or a large upgrade (like Leopard) possibly with many bugs that could be fatal.

    Second, I have heard horror stories with Cingular's billing and customer service. Was it ever bad to begin with, or was I just hearing the few bad cases? If it was, did the switch to AT&T fix it, or was that just a name change? I currently use Verizon and do not want to switch as I have had no problems, but will for an iPhone.

    Last, what is the difference between the personal and enterprise data plans (I can't seem to find any details)? I was under the assumption that the personal was unlimited, so not sure why the more expensive option.



    Regarding the AT&T plans I suggest you have a browse on their page:

    As I do not reside in the US I cannot comment on any of the billing/customer services for them or the extinct Cingular.

    Who knows what 2.0 is going to be like? If there's bugs then they will release patches to correct them. You cannot surely expect it to be perfect. If you purchase it on the first day then you have to expect that some things may go wrong. If you're concerned about this then maybe you should hold off?

    I will be purchasing one however I'm not too sure when I will take the plunge. If the rumour for a Product (RED) iPhone is true I would prefer holding out for that one. But who knows?
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