*Confirmed* RAILHead Gets Info From Rumor Sites

in macOS edited January 2014
Wow. My first evar confirmed thread. I'm like - giddy with excitement! Or not....

I love how this guy updates his site a couple times a week with "hints" about upcoming OS updates and 3rd party product releases, as if he himself is a beta tester or has inside connections. Lately he's been pretty far off the mark. This most recent round of updates is no exception.

For the last week or so he went on and on about how the "big IE update" was "holding Apple up" from releasing 10.1.5 - despite the fact that there were visible signs to the contrary from Kevin Browne himself. The more I read this guy's "insider tips" the more it looks like he has no inside information at all. He hasn't provided any real information about OS X, Photoshop or any of the other goodies we've gotten this year, that wasn't released first somewhere else.

...And now he wants people to make donations because of his overcooked server logs. Poor Maury. Like I'm gonna pay him to give me re-fried rumors. Sorry. Not in this lifetime.


  • Reply 1 of 7
    jutusjutus Posts: 272member
    Hey Moogs, who are you talking about? how is Maury... and this RAILHead you speak of?
  • Reply 2 of 7
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Sorry. Maybe I should've elaborated a bit more. I was referring to <a href="http://www.railheaddesign.com"; target="_blank">RAILHead Design</a> . Basically, this guy Maury runs the site, updating it once a day (once or twice a week the update is about unreleased hardware or software). He also distributes a nice collection of OS X icons and some shareware gizmos.

    Don't get me wrong, I think the site in general is OK and anytime you produce cool shareware it's a good thing for the platform. But his "insider updates" are totally disingenuous IMO. He doesn't have anymore clue about what's coming next than we do, based on my observations.
  • Reply 3 of 7
    mcbearmcbear Posts: 22member
    And your point is?

    He doesn't tout the site as an inside info source, just:

    "NEWS - From Macintosh rumours to the best..."

    So he is reporting rumours, whether he gets them off the net or from contacts what's the problem?

    I believe his excessive bandwidth costs were mostly down to the Jaguar screenies and movies he put up; he was doing us a service and I don't think his polite request for donations is out of order at all.

    Now if he were saying "Give me money and I'll give you the insider-scoop", and then spouted copied and pasted, rumour site speculation at us it would be a different story. Then I'd see your point.

    But he isn't, and I don't.
  • Reply 4 of 7
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    If I recall, he was the first to say 10.1.5 was ready to roll and might be released this weekend. He was off 2 days. He's been right before and first with a lot of info on beta builds of X.

    Don't like him, don't go to his site.
  • Reply 5 of 7
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:

    <strong>If I recall, he was the first to say 10.1.5 was ready to roll and might be released this weekend. He was off 2 days. He's been right before and first with a lot of info on beta builds of X.

    Don't like him, don't go to his site.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Well...he could add a little Pr0n to his site
  • Reply 6 of 7
    magicitemagicite Posts: 21member
    Actually, from what I can tell, he's almost always correct in his rumor mongering. For instance, he foretold the eMac's release, 10.1.5's release, et cetera, the list goes on. Not all rumors pan out, remember....

    And like I said, compared to every other mac rumor site (this isn't even a rumor site), he has a relatively high "success" rate.
  • Reply 7 of 7
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Guys, *I* correctly predicted when 10.1.5 would arrive - all I had to do was read Kevin Browne's comments from six weeks ago or whenever it was. A little basic deduction is all most of his "correct" prognostications require. He started talking about PS 7 right after those leaked builds hit carracho. Major surprise.

    Look I don't have a problem with mentioning rumors in passing, or with his site in general, but the way his columns read it's like he's got the information and is graciously sharing it with us. In the immortal words of Tyler Durden "I don't think so..." Adobe and Apple aren't giving this guy builds of their new stuff - he makes themes and icons for cryin out loud.

    [ 06-10-2002: Message edited by: Moogs ]</p>
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