Not really sure what you want, but <a href="" target="_blank">Brickhouse</a>, it allows you to configure ipfw, OSX's firewall. I have been using it since I installed OSX, and it works very well.
<strong>Edit: Are you trying to sneak through your school's LAN, or just trying to download carracho stuff from home, and your personal FW is blocking it?
My university actually, I can't run hotline or msn messager and other apps of the sort... I just need a setup (if possible) that where I use my user name and password to tunnel through a proxy. I need a solution for OS X ...
I've been told there is many types of software of windows for this type of thing?
Well, like I give a rat's ass whether it's for legal purposes or not.
AFA tunneling traffic, you need a machine outside that can redirect traffic to the host/port required.
Basically, you need to hack either a ISP's switch or a remote machine. If you have a machine at home w/ a broadband connection, you could do it that way, legally.
the latest issue of the hacker 'zine 2600 has a great article on hacking switches.
Basically, you're going to need to learn the ins and outs of TCP/IP, then sniffing machines on your network ( and are typically 'interesting' machines), and telnetting into them and such.
Lets say you run download, compile and install NMap, and use it to portscan and telnet is open, and NMap tells you it's a Cisco router, you'd then search the net for the Cisco model XYZ default login/pass. Lucky guess is 'admin' w/ no pass, or something. Hopefully, you're network admins are thick as castle walls, and something obvious and lame like keeping the default login/pass actually works, then you're in. You'd then, w/ your amazing knowledge of TCP/IP, set up the switch to forward all traffic from your IP past the FW.
However, if you know people who can get past the FW w/ Windows boxes, ask 'em what software/techniques they use, and report back here. This info could save you tons o' work.
[ 06-10-2002: Message edited by: stimuli ]</p>
<strong>Edit: Are you trying to sneak through your school's LAN, or just trying to download carracho stuff from home, and your personal FW is blocking it?
[ 06-10-2002: Message edited by: stimuli ]</strong><hr></blockquote>
<img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> lol as if the latter reason is "more" legal.
I've been told there is many types of software of windows for this type of thing?
any one with ideas? it's for nothing illegal...
AFA tunneling traffic, you need a machine outside that can redirect traffic to the host/port required.
Basically, you need to hack either a ISP's switch or a remote machine. If you have a machine at home w/ a broadband connection, you could do it that way, legally.
the latest issue of the hacker 'zine 2600 has a great article on hacking switches.
Basically, you're going to need to learn the ins and outs of TCP/IP, then sniffing machines on your network ( and are typically 'interesting' machines), and telnetting into them and such.
Lets say you run download, compile and install NMap, and use it to portscan and telnet is open, and NMap tells you it's a Cisco router, you'd then search the net for the Cisco model XYZ default login/pass. Lucky guess is 'admin' w/ no pass, or something. Hopefully, you're network admins are thick as castle walls, and something obvious and lame like keeping the default login/pass actually works, then you're in. You'd then, w/ your amazing knowledge of TCP/IP, set up the switch to forward all traffic from your IP past the FW.
However, if you know people who can get past the FW w/ Windows boxes, ask 'em what software/techniques they use, and report back here. This info could save you tons o' work.