Mapping Software

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in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Ok, perhaps the wrong place for this post but maybe not. Does anyone know of any decent mapping software available for the Mac? Something similar to M$ Streets & Trips that can print, and has push pins and editing capability?




  • Reply 1 of 6
    skyboltskybolt Posts: 111member
    The only thing available as far as I know is Route 66, and it is an extremely poor app. I have it, and though it works, it is really rudimentary. I was a user of Delorme Street Atlas, and loved it, but alas, Delorme decided to quit supporting macs. There was even a petition at one time to Delorme to continue support. Unfortunately, for those of us who want maps while not online, there is nothing suitable. At least as far as I know. If someone does know of something worthwhile, I hope they will post it here.

    If you want GPS mapping, there are a few -- Route Buddy comes to mind. But it does not do what the other programs you are asking about will do. You need the GPS coordinates to use it, not just be able to enter an address, etc.
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  • Reply 2 of 6
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Originally Posted by skybolt View Post

    The only thing available as far as I know is Route 66, and it is an extremely poor app. I have it, and though it works, it is really rudimentary. I was a user of Delorme Street Atlas, and loved it, but alas, Delorme decided to quit supporting macs. There was even a petition at one time to Delorme to continue support. Unfortunately, for those of us who want maps while not online, there is nothing suitable. At least as far as I know. If someone does know of something worthwhile, I hope they will post it here.

    If you want GPS mapping, there are a few -- Route Buddy comes to mind. But it does not do what the other programs you are asking about will do. You need the GPS coordinates to use it, not just be able to enter an address, etc.

    Yeah I have Route 66 as well, and it's crap, but it basically does the job, and again as far as I know it's the only thing out there. You could always use Streets and Trips through VMWare's Fusion or through Parallels. In fact why not test how it performs in CrossOver?

    (These are software packages that let you run Windows on Intel Macs.)
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  • Reply 3 of 6
    talksense101talksense101 Posts: 1,738member
    Won't Google Earth work out for you?
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  • Reply 4 of 6
    skyboltskybolt Posts: 111member
    Ah, but youhave to have internet access to use Google Earth or Maps. The OP was asking about applications that don't need internet access.
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  • Reply 5 of 6
    samnuvasamnuva Posts: 225member
    Google earth is not the only Peice of Software like it. I know of several others, but seeing as I dont know there names and there on computers at school, I cant give you any titles. Another option is just using Google Maps and Apple-Shift-4 ing the window to take a screen shot. And, If you must sink to the bottom, Use a paper one.
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  • Reply 6 of 6
    mark007mark007 Posts: 2member
    hi ,,

    now a days ..the GPRS mapping guide lines are really gud for us ..

    If you want GPS mapping, there are a few -- Route Buddy comes to mind. But it does not do what the other programs you are asking about will do. You need the GPS coordinates to use it, not just be able to enter an address, etc.
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