Will there ever be push Gmail?

in iPhone edited January 2014
I just got a new iPhone 3G a couple days ago, and so far I like it a lot. One of the few things that bugs me about it is that Gmail isn't pushed like yahoo, exchange, and mobileme are. I just added my yahoo account to see how well the pushing works, and I liked it a lot. Given the colaboration between Google and Apple in areas like the maps app, how likely is it that Apple will add push email support for Gmail? Also, I remember hearing about a push notification service for third party apps to use, is this currently working, or is Apple making devs wait a little while for that?


  • Reply 1 of 4
    joedrcjoedrc Posts: 86member
    Settings>Fetch New Data>Turn Push On

    I've got mine set to every 15mins

    Works on my GMail accounts :]
  • Reply 2 of 4
    Originally Posted by JoeDRC View Post

    Settings>Fetch New Data>Turn Push On

    I've got mine set to every 15mins

    Works on my GMail accounts :]

    only gives me fetch on gmail. push is not an option.
  • Reply 3 of 4
    brianpbrianp Posts: 11member
    I don't know if we want push on GMail --- they might charge for it like Yahoo! is doing!

    DId you know that the new YMail accounts from Yahoo! offer Push email? Unfortunately, you have to pay for it. It was around $20 or $30 per year.

    I'm happy enough with the Fetch from GMail every 15 minutes...
  • Reply 4 of 4
    Originally Posted by brianP View Post

    I don't know if we want push on GMail --- they might charge for it like Yahoo! is doing!

    DId you know that the new YMail accounts from Yahoo! offer Push email? Unfortunately, you have to pay for it. It was around $20 or $30 per year.

    I'm happy enough with the Fetch from GMail every 15 minutes...

    That was killing my battery. I had to reduce it to once and hour. Emails aren't that urgent usually. People will call or text if its an emergency.

    I have Yahoo, Gmail, and MobileMe emails on my 3G.
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