GTK+ and LinuxDCpp for a MacBook3,1 10.5.4 intel

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Hi. This is my first topic, and I hope I am dooing everything right...

LinuxDCpp is compilable on mac.

Yea i know... not programming, but my question is:

Recently I have several times found my self in use of gtk+2.*.* og gtk+2.8

The last time was my desperate attempt to get DC++ on my mac.

According to: and it is possible to compile LinuxDCpp on a mac.

Now my problem is gtk+.

I need it on my mac in order to compile.

I hav so far tryed: If anybody know a shortcut it would be greatly appreciated. Else i can post the output...

Ps.: I'm also considering cross-compiling on Ubuntu, but dont know how. Linuxdcpp is available on or

cvs -dserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/linuxdcpp login

[hit enter when prompted for the password]

cvs -z3 -dserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/linuxdcpp co linuxdcpp

[b]Thanks in advance!

MacBook3,1 10.5.4 intel


  • Reply 1 of 4
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    I don't know if the port is complete but this is probably your best bet:
  • Reply 2 of 4
    olibiolibi Posts: 4member
    Yeah, but I've tried that. It is the Jhbuild in my post...
  • Reply 3 of 4
    talksense101talksense101 Posts: 1,738member
    port works fine for me. it is the best for getting Linux libraries patched to work on OS X. try again with the latest build of Mac Ports.

    you don't need to build it. it has pre made binaries. i have gimp running well on X11 under Leopard thanks to port.

    Do a port info gimp and pick the library you need and do a port install xxxx -f. (with sudo of course)
  • Reply 4 of 4
    olibiolibi Posts: 4member
    I'll try port over, thanks for the tip

    Any known issues with both fink and port installed?
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