Superdrive Powerbook

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
What do you folks think about the possibilies for getting a superdrive in a powerbook now that they've stuffed in that little iMac?


  • Reply 1 of 8
    [quote]Originally posted by giant:

    <strong>What do you folks think about the possibilies for getting a superdrive in a powerbook now that they've stuffed in that little iMac?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Not until someone make a drive that's half and inch thick and slot-loading.

    Look how long it took them to get a combo drive in there. I don't expect a SuperDrive in the TiBook for at least a year and a half, if not longer.
  • Reply 2 of 8
    1. Steve said that the Superdrive in the iMac was a "Full Size Superdrive."

    2. Notice that the iMac is not slot-load. It's a pretty good bet that one reason for this is because nobody has made a slot-loading Superdrive yet, and the TiBook is slot-load.

    3. The Superdrive saw its debut on the 667mhz G4, I believe, and took twice as long to prepare video for burning to DVD compared to the 867/DP800's the Superdrive is on today. (Not sure if this is the result of hardware or software, but likely both).

    So, speeds likely need to increase, the drive itself needs to shrink, and someone needs to get on manufacturing one with a slot-load. Considering that the TiBook was just updated with a combo drive, I would say this will take a while. The first step is to get Superdrives on all of the PowerMacs, which is likely to happen at the next revision in a month or two. I'd say that the earliest possible date for a Superdrive in a TiBook is MWNY, with MWSF 2003 a more likely candidate.

    But don't despair! Firewire versions of the drive are already available! I don't know if they are FW-powered for complete portability (I doubt it though - they are probably the same drive - Pioneer A03 with a FW enclosure). So if you've got a Ti or are getting one and wanna use iDVD, just spring for the higher-end model and go Firewire - it's quick!

    Hope this sounds at least half insightful

  • Reply 3 of 8
    blizaineblizaine Posts: 239member
    I thought iDVD only worked with apples internal DVD-R drive and only DVD Studio Pro worked with external/"3rd party" drives... did they update iDVD? that would be cool.
  • Reply 4 of 8
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    Even the size fits but I can't imagine how much power it's going to suck up from the battery :eek:
  • Reply 5 of 8
    [quote]Originally posted by Blizaine:

    <strong>I thought iDVD only worked with apples internal DVD-R drive and only DVD Studio Pro worked with external/"3rd party" drives... did they update iDVD? that would be cool.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    People have gotten it to work with externals, I long as the mechanism itself is the Pioneer drive.

  • Reply 6 of 8
    I think the Superdrive debuted in the 733 G4.
  • Reply 7 of 8
    logan calelogan cale Posts: 1,281member
    The SuperDrive was released at MWSF '01.
  • Reply 8 of 8
    [quote]Originally posted by Blizaine:

    <strong>I thought iDVD only worked with apples internal DVD-R drive and only DVD Studio Pro worked with external/"3rd party" drives... did they update iDVD? that would be cool.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    iDVD works with the pioneer drive (and I'm sure soon, if not already, to be working with all of them)

    The pioneer drive is the most common one - apple superdrive is one, so is compaqs. Most of the externals are too.

    DVDSP works will the superdrive just fine - and probably all the external ones.

    Theorhetically the "superdrive" is a "DVD-R", but I'm pretty sure, under OS-X (not 9), you can burn DVD-RWs, although Apple doesn't announce this for any number of reasons.

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