Who cares about this hidden camera garbage?! You're selling the OS, so just show the OS in action.
We've all seen how Apple uses timed capture videos to demonstrate exactly how things work as though you were right in front of the machine. There's no big sell or pitch, let's just show you how easy it is....MS take notes...
I am a Mac devotee. I have been stuck using a Laptop (PC) with Vista and it is full of stupid little issues. Never did I have such problems with a Mac. My next laptop will be a Mac no matter what. Vista sucks, Microsoft sucks and XP sucked too.
Additionally, Zune sucks and the pro-Vista Mojave site was a boring joke. Were those people on drugs? It was dreary and almost sad. Like a mental hospital.
I get the feeling that the Mojave experiment (huh?) site is going to get more hits from Appleheads going for a snigger than any potential Vista revivalists. What is it with Microsoft? They have so many resources, all the expertise of the US PR industry at their disposal yet they keep getting things so horrendously wrong. I remember the Zune launch. Bill Gates, wearing a dull brown anorak and a weak sickly smile holding up that brown thing under a depressing low slate-grey sky - was that really supposed to stimulate and invigorate, to create a 'wow' factor? What is up with them? I just find it all a bit weird.
And they both suck at different times too - I'm always impressed with Finder's ability to hang my system when it can't connect/disconnect from a server share, and at least I know of a handy terminal command to fix it (sudo shutdown -n -r now).
I've never actually had that problem on my Mac but on my Vista Home Premium machine it freezes up every time I even open the "network" icon and just sits there for about 5-10 mins, doing nothing. I use XP, Vista and Leopard everyday and I prefer Leopard, XP and Vista in that order. The implementation of Expose/Spaces is so good that it dwarfs any advantage XP or Vista has in compatibility IMO.
And Vista - I kept upgrading all the things it told me to and it killed my onboard audio - I literally tried EVERYTHING and was forced to buy a new audio card - nice...
Of course my Mac HD died once and that sucked but thankfully I was only a month or so removed from backing up most of my data to an external drive. So my experience hasn't been 100% amazing with either but with Apple it's been hardware issues whereas with MS it's been their System F-ing with me (I remember the computer before last had 98SE on it (around 2002) and one day it just decided it couldn't find the OS - now that was awesome as I hadn't done the whole back up the HD thing at that point but again it's a software issue, not a hardware once since I installed XP Pro on the exact same drive and it booted up just fine)
Funny that it adds up to 121%. I suppose that could be due to some users using more than one OS. But still they should state that.
I think this survey is bias. I think it would be a very slim minority of people who haven't seen Vista before. The MS sales reps are giving a bias demonstration of the glossy features and not letting the user try it for themselves.
Funny that it adds up to 121%. I suppose that could be due to some users using more than one OS. But still they should state that.
I think this survey is bias. I think it would be a very slim minority of people who haven't seen Vista before. The MS sales reps are giving a bias demonstration of the glossy features and not letting the user try it for themselves.
LOL They didn't even get it right. It's not Apple OS. It's Mac OS X -- this seems unprofessional and either it's typical Microsoft incompetence or it's a big prank.
On that Facts page, they also say:
Microsoft studies have shown that Windows Vista users are 60% less likely to be infected with malware than users running Windows XP SP2.
First, it's the OS that gets infected, not the user. Second, they forgot to mention that Linux and Mac users are 100% less likely to get their system infected.
The page also says:
Thousands of devices now work with Vista.
Funny. There are a good deal more than "thousands" of devices that people need to work with Vista.
The page also says:
What do actual Windows Vista users have to say about Windows Vista? ... Over 90% rated Mojave higher after seeing the demo.
So are these or aren't these actual Windows Vista users?
The problem with Vista isn't Vista at all. It's drivers. You have to wait for 3rd party companies to provide quality drivers for their hardware. It's the price you pay for having a system that isn't controlled like Macs.
With good drivers Vista is fast and stable. I have been running it since beta. I also have XP and Leopard. Side by Side Vista is more stable than Leopard. They go back and forth and speed. Sometimes Vista wins, sometimes Leopard. But Vista is certainly not a pig. I find it to be faster than XP. Again, it's all about drivers. My hardware is well supported and everything works very well and never crashes.
Here are just some gaming benchmarks showing Vista vs XP. It edges out XP here by a hair. It's also 2 months old so there has been several driver updates since then and I imagine performance now would be even better. http://www.extremetech.com/article2/...2302500,00.asp
Final Thoughts:
If you were expecting a huge drop in performance as your eyes scanned from the XP to the Vista results, well, surprise! As many a tech analyst predicted, Windows Vista's gaming performance conundrum has largely been solved, and it was mainly due to early graphics drivers.
In fact, I'd been planning to run a few other gaming tests, but the results from these were so uninteresting that further work didn't seem merited. Love it or hate it, Vista is performing far better than it used to.
Game performance, it seems, has been exorcised from your concern when choosing a Microsoft operating system. That leaves a few other factors, of course: stability, responsiveness, eye candy, price, DirectX version, and a few other odds and ends.
It took about a year and a half, but the performance gap between Vista and its forerunner has finally evaporated.
Here's another review. This one is 10 months old and obviously drivers have matured since then. And issues were addressed in regards to SLI. In some cases Vista is faster, XP in others but in most they are neck and neck.
It's interesting to see that Vista's performance seems to have progressed since it was released. The general usage tests are either faster or equal to XP. It should be noted that the program load times may be influenced slightly by the fact that the OSs reside on different drives (Samsung/WD). However, Vista is on the slower drive (the WD), so it only makes the results even more impressive. Talking about the program load times, it's obvious that Vista's SuperFetch feature works wonderfully. Even though I've only launched Photoshop and OpenOffice a few times, Vista has already picked this up and loads them into mem right after boot up. Crysis was almost certainly not cached into RAM during the test, but still loaded faster than in XP.
The horrendous file copy performance has been fixed. Performance is definitely higher than in XP. Also gone are the sometimes irritatingly long file deletion times. File deletion seems instantaneous now, just like it's always been in XP.
I'm sorry, but you have to be a delusional fanboy or just extremely ignorant of Vista's marketing problem to not realize the sheer brilliance of this first move in the campaign.
If the rest of this campaign is half as good as the first installment, it will be one of the most profitable campaigns in history.
Microsoft's problem with Vista isn't anything Leopard offers. Microsoft merely needs current XP users to update. The problem is that Vista's initial launch problems created a flurry of poor publicity, probably deserved. This has left the vast majority of Windows users, most of whom are admittedly dolts, that Vista "sucks" and offers nothing more than XP.
Well, Vista might suck. But it is nicer than XP. It's a better UI and it offers better features. Many XP users don't know the improvements and don't feel motivated to explore them.
That's what this ad accomplishes. It hammers home the same message, "check it out for yourself" "don't believe the crowd" "give it a look" "there's more to it than you realize."
It's simple seeking to open the mind of the potential customer to get them to investigate the product on their own. And that's exactly what they need. They need to convince millions of people that Vista is more than they thought it was.
Undoubtedly, when these people DO actually investigate Vista, they will find features that they weren't aware it had. Features that they think are pretty cool. It might not be better than OS X, but it doesn't need to be. It just needs to be better than XP. And, well, Vista IS better than XP.
So, phase 1: convince people that Vista is better than they've heard. This campaign will accomplish that.
Phase 2: after people are receptive to this idea they will have ads displaying features that people will be interested in.
This ad campaign absolutely will lead to higher Vista sales. Just wait and see.
Microsoft wanted to eliminate the misconceptions about Vista. So the Mojave Experiment is dead-on accurate because using Vista makes you feel lost in the Mojave desert with no help or rescue in sight!
The cool, user friendly OS you thought you were going to have... turned out to be a mirage!
Wow! I think Microsoft just proved that a lot of their users are easily influenced, technologically ignorant and could really careless about their computing appliance, as long as it keeps getting email and porn.
Great campaign. They just proved people are dumb and don't know what they are talking about.
Why didn't they save $300 million and just come out with that slogan:
Vista: you're dumb and don't know what you're talking about.
Works for me. \
Since you're so quick to point out how dumb people are, might I point out that the correct expression is "couldn't care less". If you could care less, then that means you still care a little bit. Got it?
I'm a Mac user but I don't think Windows users are dumb. Uninformed maybe but not dumb. As to people who use words without processing what they actually mean. . .
I'm sorry, but you have to be a delusional fanboy or just extremely ignorant of Vista's marketing problem to not realize the sheer brilliance of this first move in the campaign.
Microsoft merely needs current XP users to update.
Who's the delusional fanboy? You made an account just to post a defense of Microsoft.
Okay, no offense. Just a little mirror for you. ;-) You're right in a sense -- Vista does have many improvements that nobody is taking the time to look at.
However, Vista does have problems and bugs and other things not related to 3rd party drivers etc. Subjecting more people to Vista won't solve anything, and even though it's an improvement in some ways, it's not up to XP in terms of reliability, nor are its hardware requirements in line with most computers people have.
Who's the delusional fanboy? You made an account just to post a defense of Microsoft.
How on Earth could you possibly know my full reasons for making an account here? Talk about a ridiculous assumption on your part. I don't even think that I "defended" Microsoft, although I must certainly say that their ad agency did something which I think was remarkable, unexpected, and will produce the exact result they are seeking: increased sales of Vista.
If you must know I made an account because in reading the comments on this article I was so astonished at how everyone's wild hostility towards Microsoft keeps them from realizing when Microsoft has made a good move. Being Microsoft it's probably not good for the consumer and probably isn't good for the industry, but it was a great move for Microsoft.
Frankly, I'm sick of the Apple Fanboys obsession with Microsoft. I'm so sick of hearing about "if Apple only made...." (a mid range desktop, OS X license for every computer, whatever) that somehow Apple is going to defeat Microsoft. If these anti-Microsoft zealots had been in charge of Apple, we'd never have had the iPod, iTunes, Final Cut, iPhone, or all these other great Apple products that weren't designed to go head to head with Microsoft but were instead meant to seize portions of the market that Microsoft hadn't seized.
Jeezus, if some of these people had been running things they'd have ignored all of that and instead pushed for a low price Mac and some cheesy ass office suite.
This is a good ad for Microsoft. It will lead to more Vista sales and it will also lead to fewer current MS users investigating moving to Apple. That's something that should concern any serious Mac supporter. Snarky comments and insisting that it's a bad campaign might be fun, but I'm convinced it won't be a good thing. Particularly when we begin to watch Vista sales take off. Which they will.
Who cares about this hidden camera garbage?! You're selling the OS, so just show the OS in action.
We've all seen how Apple uses timed capture videos to demonstrate exactly how things work as though you were right in front of the machine. There's no big sell or pitch, let's just show you how easy it is....MS take notes...
now take your statement and apply them to the whole "im a mac, im a pc" campaign. gasp! there's no showing of the Mac OS in those! Microsoft's effort is as bad as Apple's ads.
How on Earth could you possibly know my full reasons for making an account here?
Whoa. Take it easy. Your first post indicated why you made the account. I could be wrong, but take it easy.
We will see how Vista's market share increases. It is kind of the only option now, so that would also aid adoption. But you seem to be so hotheaded about people making jokes about one of Microsoft's stunts. If you're not looking for "fanboys", don't read an Apple rumors website.
We've all seen how Apple uses timed capture videos to demonstrate exactly how things work as though you were right in front of the machine. There's no big sell or pitch, let's just show you how easy it is....MS take notes...
Additionally, Zune sucks and the pro-Vista Mojave site was a boring joke. Were those people on drugs? It was dreary and almost sad. Like a mental hospital.
Yeah! Only right-wing fuckheads like yourself should be allowed to vote.
Thanks, with your widely extensive vocabulary showing off your vast educational experience, you have proven my point precisely!
I use both everyday, and Vista is fine.
And they both suck at different times too - I'm always impressed with Finder's ability to hang my system when it can't connect/disconnect from a server share, and at least I know of a handy terminal command to fix it (sudo shutdown -n -r now).
I've never actually had that problem on my Mac but on my Vista Home Premium machine it freezes up every time I even open the "network" icon and just sits there for about 5-10 mins, doing nothing. I use XP, Vista and Leopard everyday and I prefer Leopard, XP and Vista in that order. The implementation of Expose/Spaces is so good that it dwarfs any advantage XP or Vista has in compatibility IMO.
And Vista - I kept upgrading all the things it told me to and it killed my onboard audio - I literally tried EVERYTHING and was forced to buy a new audio card - nice...
Of course my Mac HD died once and that sucked but thankfully I was only a month or so removed from backing up most of my data to an external drive. So my experience hasn't been 100% amazing with either but with Apple it's been hardware issues whereas with MS it's been their System F-ing with me (I remember the computer before last had 98SE on it (around 2002) and one day it just decided it couldn't find the OS - now that was awesome as I hadn't done the whole back up the HD thing at that point but again it's a software issue, not a hardware once since I installed XP Pro on the exact same drive and it booted up just fine)
It's much better when you add something productive to the forum instead of attacking people. I've seen you do it.
No kidding... What's the issue with wilco? Talk like an idiot, get scorned like an idiot.
It's much better when you add something productive to the forum instead of attacking people. I've seen you do it.
Heh heh. Thankfully, he's at least stopped his roll-eyes!
Experiment user breakdown:
84% XP users
22% Apple OS users
14% Other Windows (Pre-XP) users
1% Linux users
Funny that it adds up to 121%. I suppose that could be due to some users using more than one OS. But still they should state that.
I think this survey is bias. I think it would be a very slim minority of people who haven't seen Vista before. The MS sales reps are giving a bias demonstration of the glossy features and not letting the user try it for themselves.
Check out the bottom of this page: http://www.mojaveexperiment.com/facts/
Funny that it adds up to 121%. I suppose that could be due to some users using more than one OS. But still they should state that.
I think this survey is bias. I think it would be a very slim minority of people who haven't seen Vista before. The MS sales reps are giving a bias demonstration of the glossy features and not letting the user try it for themselves.
LOL They didn't even get it right. It's not Apple OS. It's Mac OS X -- this seems unprofessional and either it's typical Microsoft incompetence or it's a big prank.
On that Facts page, they also say:
Microsoft studies have shown that Windows Vista users are 60% less likely to be infected with malware than users running Windows XP SP2.
First, it's the OS that gets infected, not the user. Second, they forgot to mention that Linux and Mac users are 100% less likely to get their system infected.
The page also says:
Thousands of devices now work with Vista.
Funny. There are a good deal more than "thousands" of devices that people need to work with Vista.
The page also says:
What do actual Windows Vista users have to say about Windows Vista? ... Over 90% rated Mojave higher after seeing the demo.
So are these or aren't these actual Windows Vista users?
With good drivers Vista is fast and stable. I have been running it since beta. I also have XP and Leopard. Side by Side Vista is more stable than Leopard. They go back and forth and speed. Sometimes Vista wins, sometimes Leopard. But Vista is certainly not a pig. I find it to be faster than XP. Again, it's all about drivers. My hardware is well supported and everything works very well and never crashes.
Here are just some gaming benchmarks showing Vista vs XP. It edges out XP here by a hair. It's also 2 months old so there has been several driver updates since then and I imagine performance now would be even better. http://www.extremetech.com/article2/...2302500,00.asp
Final Thoughts:
If you were expecting a huge drop in performance as your eyes scanned from the XP to the Vista results, well, surprise! As many a tech analyst predicted, Windows Vista's gaming performance conundrum has largely been solved, and it was mainly due to early graphics drivers.
In fact, I'd been planning to run a few other gaming tests, but the results from these were so uninteresting that further work didn't seem merited. Love it or hate it, Vista is performing far better than it used to.
Game performance, it seems, has been exorcised from your concern when choosing a Microsoft operating system. That leaves a few other factors, of course: stability, responsiveness, eye candy, price, DirectX version, and a few other odds and ends.
It took about a year and a half, but the performance gap between Vista and its forerunner has finally evaporated.
Here's another review. This one is 10 months old and obviously drivers have matured since then. And issues were addressed in regards to SLI. In some cases Vista is faster, XP in others but in most they are neck and neck.
Here's some more from January
It's interesting to see that Vista's performance seems to have progressed since it was released. The general usage tests are either faster or equal to XP. It should be noted that the program load times may be influenced slightly by the fact that the OSs reside on different drives (Samsung/WD). However, Vista is on the slower drive (the WD), so it only makes the results even more impressive. Talking about the program load times, it's obvious that Vista's SuperFetch feature works wonderfully. Even though I've only launched Photoshop and OpenOffice a few times, Vista has already picked this up and loads them into mem right after boot up. Crysis was almost certainly not cached into RAM during the test, but still loaded faster than in XP.
The horrendous file copy performance has been fixed. Performance is definitely higher than in XP. Also gone are the sometimes irritatingly long file deletion times. File deletion seems instantaneous now, just like it's always been in XP.
If the rest of this campaign is half as good as the first installment, it will be one of the most profitable campaigns in history.
Microsoft's problem with Vista isn't anything Leopard offers. Microsoft merely needs current XP users to update. The problem is that Vista's initial launch problems created a flurry of poor publicity, probably deserved. This has left the vast majority of Windows users, most of whom are admittedly dolts, that Vista "sucks" and offers nothing more than XP.
Well, Vista might suck. But it is nicer than XP. It's a better UI and it offers better features. Many XP users don't know the improvements and don't feel motivated to explore them.
That's what this ad accomplishes. It hammers home the same message, "check it out for yourself" "don't believe the crowd" "give it a look" "there's more to it than you realize."
It's simple seeking to open the mind of the potential customer to get them to investigate the product on their own. And that's exactly what they need. They need to convince millions of people that Vista is more than they thought it was.
Undoubtedly, when these people DO actually investigate Vista, they will find features that they weren't aware it had. Features that they think are pretty cool. It might not be better than OS X, but it doesn't need to be. It just needs to be better than XP. And, well, Vista IS better than XP.
So, phase 1: convince people that Vista is better than they've heard. This campaign will accomplish that.
Phase 2: after people are receptive to this idea they will have ads displaying features that people will be interested in.
This ad campaign absolutely will lead to higher Vista sales. Just wait and see.
Microsoft wanted to eliminate the misconceptions about Vista. So the Mojave Experiment is dead-on accurate because using Vista makes you feel lost in the Mojave desert with no help or rescue in sight!
The cool, user friendly OS you thought you were going to have... turned out to be a mirage!
Ouch, a little overly sensitive wilco? Sounds like someone here is either a closet Vista Fanboy or a left-wing moonbat.
Wow! I think Microsoft just proved that a lot of their users are easily influenced, technologically ignorant and could really careless about their computing appliance, as long as it keeps getting email and porn.
Great campaign. They just proved people are dumb and don't know what they are talking about.
Why didn't they save $300 million and just come out with that slogan:
Vista: you're dumb and don't know what you're talking about.
Works for me.
Since you're so quick to point out how dumb people are, might I point out that the correct expression is "couldn't care less". If you could care less, then that means you still care a little bit. Got it?
I'm a Mac user but I don't think Windows users are dumb. Uninformed maybe but not dumb. As to people who use words without processing what they actually mean. . .
I'm sorry, but you have to be a delusional fanboy or just extremely ignorant of Vista's marketing problem to not realize the sheer brilliance of this first move in the campaign.
Microsoft merely needs current XP users to update.
Who's the delusional fanboy?
Okay, no offense. Just a little mirror for you. ;-) You're right in a sense -- Vista does have many improvements that nobody is taking the time to look at.
However, Vista does have problems and bugs and other things not related to 3rd party drivers etc. Subjecting more people to Vista won't solve anything, and even though it's an improvement in some ways, it's not up to XP in terms of reliability, nor are its hardware requirements in line with most computers people have.
Who's the delusional fanboy?
How on Earth could you possibly know my full reasons for making an account here? Talk about a ridiculous assumption on your part. I don't even think that I "defended" Microsoft, although I must certainly say that their ad agency did something which I think was remarkable, unexpected, and will produce the exact result they are seeking: increased sales of Vista.
If you must know I made an account because in reading the comments on this article I was so astonished at how everyone's wild hostility towards Microsoft keeps them from realizing when Microsoft has made a good move. Being Microsoft it's probably not good for the consumer and probably isn't good for the industry, but it was a great move for Microsoft.
Frankly, I'm sick of the Apple Fanboys obsession with Microsoft. I'm so sick of hearing about "if Apple only made...." (a mid range desktop, OS X license for every computer, whatever) that somehow Apple is going to defeat Microsoft. If these anti-Microsoft zealots had been in charge of Apple, we'd never have had the iPod, iTunes, Final Cut, iPhone, or all these other great Apple products that weren't designed to go head to head with Microsoft but were instead meant to seize portions of the market that Microsoft hadn't seized.
Jeezus, if some of these people had been running things they'd have ignored all of that and instead pushed for a low price Mac and some cheesy ass office suite.
This is a good ad for Microsoft. It will lead to more Vista sales and it will also lead to fewer current MS users investigating moving to Apple. That's something that should concern any serious Mac supporter. Snarky comments and insisting that it's a bad campaign might be fun, but I'm convinced it won't be a good thing. Particularly when we begin to watch Vista sales take off. Which they will.
Who cares about this hidden camera garbage?! You're selling the OS, so just show the OS in action.
We've all seen how Apple uses timed capture videos to demonstrate exactly how things work as though you were right in front of the machine. There's no big sell or pitch, let's just show you how easy it is....MS take notes...
now take your statement and apply them to the whole "im a mac, im a pc" campaign. gasp! there's no showing of the Mac OS in those! Microsoft's effort is as bad as Apple's ads.
How on Earth could you possibly know my full reasons for making an account here?
Whoa. Take it easy. Your first post indicated why you made the account. I could be wrong, but take it easy.
We will see how Vista's market share increases. It is kind of the only option now, so that would also aid adoption. But you seem to be so hotheaded about people making jokes about one of Microsoft's stunts. If you're not looking for "fanboys", don't read an Apple rumors website.