I would like to know why people like Michael Moore's films.?
His films are full of misguided information and deliver a false impression on American values. He time and time again lies to people he interviews and takes footage from other sources. People have made films against him and still he believes he is doing this country a massive ******* favor. He offends our brothers in arms defending this country from terroism and oppresion upon middle eastern countries. All he can really do is sit down and admire money and food.
I don't want any response saying this is a rant or something along those lines but a real answer describing what good Michael Moore has done besides presenting liberals and democrats with a left wing films that they enjoy but do not accuratly show the 100% truth.
I don't want any response saying this is a rant or something along those lines but a real answer describing what good Michael Moore has done besides presenting liberals and democrats with a left wing films that they enjoy but do not accuratly show the 100% truth.
I don't want any response saying this is a rant or something along those lines but a real answer describing what good Rush Limbaugh has done besides presenting conservatives and Republicans with right wing broadcasts that they enjoy but do not accurately show the 100% truth.
And... wrong forum.
Edit> In hindsight, I realize this is a spam thread.
His films are full of misguided information and deliver a false impression on American values.
Welcome to the world of politics
Every night I hear Republicans and Democrats do the exact same thing