iTunes App Store reporting 60+ updates for installed apps??

in iPhone edited January 2014
Can someone please help me figure out why, ever since upgrading to iTunes 7.7.1, the Applications section of iTunes is reporting that there is "1 update available" for my installed applications, but upon clicking the notice to retrieve the update, it then shows that there are updates available for every single one of my 60+ installed applications...

I've proceed to install all 60+ alledged updates, but upon doing so, iTunes still reports that there is 1 update available and clicking that notice still brings me to the iTunes store which still shows that there are 60+ updates available (even though I just went through the process of downloading/installing the updates?

How can I get it to correctly report the number of available updates, because if this issue presists, the update notification feature is basically pointless for me.



  • Reply 1 of 5
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Happened to me to, click done, and go home in iTunes and check again. That should reset things.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    m021478m021478 Posts: 71member

    Happened to me to, click done, and go home in iTunes and check again. That should reset things.

    Tried that...didn't work.

    I've tried restarting my iPhone, my Computer, and iTunes...multiple times; I then proceeded to run a full battery of repair/maintenance utilities (using Disk Utility, Cocktail, & Disk Warrior)...AND YET THE PROBLEM STILL REMAINS! Does anyone know of a workaround or fix for this bug?

    I tried logging out of my iTunes account, which resulted in their being no apparent updates to my application (i.e. the '1 update available' notice at the bottom of the applications section of iTunes disappeared), but then when I clicked 'Check for available updates' and then proceeded to log-in to my account again, it brought to me to page showing 60+ updates available??

    Not that it would have anything to do with this issue, but I also tried 'Reset Warnings' from within my iTunes account, and also by right clicking on my iPhone...still no dice!
    • Would trashing iTunes' Preference file do anything to assist with this? Would doing so have any affect on my iTunes playlists, tags, play counts, etc....(or would doing so just mean that I would have to reconfigure iTunes' preferences settings)?

    • Would restoring my iPhone from either a backup or setting it up as a new iPhone potentially fix the problem? (don't think so really, because the issue happens from the Apps section of iTunes, regardless of whether the iPhone is connected or not)

    • Is there a .plist file somewhere that can be slightly tweaked to potentially resolve the issue?

    Any other thoughts?

    At this point, I basically can't update any of my Apps unless I decide to update all of I'm kinda dead in the water here, and any support anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  • Reply 3 of 5
    macaloymacaloy Posts: 104member
    I can't help you with your error but many i know are getting similar requests for updates when none exist or maybe 1 comes up for the iPhone but when you go online and update it says it isnt available
  • Reply 4 of 5
    m021478m021478 Posts: 71member
    After trying out ever imaginable solution to the problem, I finally resolved the issue...

    Unfortunately, there was no 'magic-pill' set of steps that I can was merely a matter of tinkering with it long enough...

    I updated/installed (all 60+) Apps over and over...

    I logged out of my iTunes account, then back in...

    I deauthorized my computer as one of my 5 iTunes authorized machine, then reauthorized it...

    I restarted my iPhone, iTunes, and my computer...

    I ran disk utility to repair permissions, and also ran a battery of other maintenance/repair processes using the third-party app Cocktail...

    etc, etc...

    finally, out of the blue...I stopped getting the '1-Update-Available' notice and the subsequent 60+ updates that would appear when choosing to update...

    Hope this info helps others resolve their similar issues!
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