Someone with an ?TV, please educate me

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
I'm looking into buying an TV, and I was curious about the metadata display in the movie section. Let me explain..

In the "My Movies" section from the Movies category?once you have the list of movies (alphabetically I assume), what information is displayed about the selected movie? I assume the title and artwork is displayed, but what other fields show up? In iTunes, you have the Name, "Artist", Genre and Duration (in the "display with artwork view" that is). Is it the same or what?

My greatest thanks to anyone who will report back about this!

Note, I am referring to section of personal movie files (.mp4 or .m4v) added to iTunes, not titles from the iTMS.


  • Reply 1 of 3
    in itunes you do "get info" for a movie and you can add metadata there that will show up in tv. you can add synopsis, picture, date....
  • Reply 2 of 3
    I haven't noticed the date. My appleTV shows artwork, synopsis (comments), title, and length.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    idunnoidunno Posts: 645member
    Originally Posted by k squared View Post

    I haven't noticed the date. My appleTV shows artwork, synopsis (comments), title, and length.

    I use an app called metaX for adding metadata to my mp4 files. It's quite a good little app. Adds movie posters and cast and crew, rating and length.

    It's not my app, I just use it. Google it.
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