iPhone 2.1 update: the aftermath

in iPhone edited January 2014

Now that 2.1's out, your iPhone 3G is finally perfect -- right? Well, that all depends on your definition of "perfect," but odds are you still have a niggle or two poking out from behind that heaping pile of bugs and security flaws that were smoothed over with Cupertino's putty knife in last week's update. Here's a quick look at what we're hearing so far:

Excluding those of you who don't know where you are, our poll on claimed reception improvements in 2.1 suggests that the majority of iPhone 3G owners (by a slim margin) are seeing no improvement or -- gasp! -- a degradation in signal strength since 2.0.2.

Given that 2.1 patches up some bugs with third-party apps, it comes as no surprise that a few of 'em are apparently breaking with the new firmware (a disappointment, yes, but not a surprise). It sucks that Apple whacked the ball into developers' courts on this one, and we're hoping for the sake of users and devs alike that it's not going to take many sleepless nights of re-coding and debugging to get the affected apps back on the straight and narrow.

We're now hearing some reports of email buffoonery ranging from an inability to add new accounts to 2.1-equipped phones, to failures of existing accounts that had previously worked, to total Exchange breakage. Are you folks seeing anything there? Any corporate types freaking out that they've lost access to their beloved ActiveSync setups?

We actually found another bug in 2.1 ourselves: we can't find copy / paste anywhere. It's anyone's guess how that one slipped by the testers.



  • Reply 1 of 5
    My Safari and MySpace apps still crash and battery life seems no better, possibly worse than 2.0.2
  • Reply 2 of 5
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    I stopped reading Engadget a few month ago, I've been relatively happier since. I just couldn't take their tone any longer.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I stopped reading Engadget a few month ago, I've been relatively happier since. I just couldn't take their tone any longer.

    You mean the fact that they look at technology in general, and in this case Apple specificly with some journalistic integrity? unlike the sicophantic tech media that lines up to suck off Jobs at every chance?

    Having had a bad iphone 2 experiance, I can say that I was looking forward to 2.1, but it made it worse: 22 dropped calls in 2 damn days!!!! no 3g in my apt, and last week, on 2.0.2, I was getting GPRS, 56k at McCormic Place in CHICAGO...CHICAGO DAMNIT!

    I am tierd of waiting for a fix, this is my only phone, so I need it to work as advertised at all times, something that Apple has grown too incompetent to deliver.

    I must say, I have had far fewer problems with Vista in over 12 months of use than the iPhone3g since July...MS could at this point litteraly run the reverse of the mac v pc ads for the iphone v WIN Mobile, and it would not be a lie in my experiance!
  • Reply 4 of 5
    mellomello Posts: 555member
    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post

    You mean the fact that they look at technology in general, and in this case Apple specificly with some journalistic integrity? unlike the sicophantic tech media that lines up to suck off Jobs at every chance?

    Having had a bad iphone 2 experiance, I can say that I was looking forward to 2.1, but it made it worse: 22 dropped calls in 2 damn days!!!! no 3g in my apt, and last week, on 2.0.2, I was getting GPRS, 56k at McCormic Place in CHICAGO...CHICAGO DAMNIT!

    I am tierd of waiting for a fix, this is my only phone, so I need it to work as advertised at all times, something that Apple has grown too incompetent to deliver.

    I must say, I have had far fewer problems with Vista in over 12 months of use than the iPhone3g since July...MS could at this point litteraly run the reverse of the mac v pc ads for the iphone v WIN Mobile, and it would not be a lie in my experiance!

    What's Good:

    My iPhone Backup/Sync went from 4+ hours to 10 minutes.

    UPDATE: My second Backup/sync took about 4-5 minutes.

    No downloaded app has quit on me.

    What's Bad:

    Safari still quits occasionally. (Which is irritating when I'm trying to enter a thread post.)
  • Reply 5 of 5
    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post

    Having had a bad iphone 2 experiance, I can say that I was looking forward to 2.1, but it made it worse: 22 dropped calls in 2 damn days!!!! no 3g in my apt, and last week, on 2.0.2, I was getting GPRS, 56k at McCormic Place in CHICAGO...CHICAGO DAMNIT!

    ROFL. i feel bad for you man. No problems here.
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