10.2 Q&A

in macOS edited January 2014
I wanted to start a thread that can help alleviate some questions and concerns about 10.2 - hopefully, those of us lucky enough to be using C115 can contribute by answering the questions?

I'll start:

Explorer sometimes refused to display text and images under 10.1.5 (and lower) - the solution is to hit CMD-A (Select All) and then the text appears...some sort of glitch with my stock RAGE128 in my Blue G3 450 - is this fixed in C115?


  • Reply 1 of 18
    jj_wijj_wi Posts: 22member
    I had this problem with a Radeon and a GeForce3. IE 5.2 fixed it under 10.1.5. I haven't seen it in 115.
  • Reply 2 of 18
    I had this problem to.

    It still happend in 10.1.5 although not as often. I used to just resize the window. I think the problem is with IE`s code not working with quartz or something or other thats the best I could come up with.
  • Reply 3 of 18
    This is NOT a problem with Mac OS X of any version. It is a problem with Microsoft's crufty old code in Internet Explorer.
  • Reply 4 of 18
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    [quote]Originally posted by Brad:

    <strong>This is NOT a problem with Mac OS X of any version. It is a problem with Microsoft's crufty old code in Internet Explorer.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Brad...it's funny just how many issues with a particular OSX app are somehow attributed to OS X. That's why I love the compliance of smaller developers.
  • Reply 5 of 18
    anyone using a third party video card with C115? I'm thinking about ditching the stock Rage128 for a 32MB RADEON 7000 (in the same 66MHz PCI slot).

    My concerns are around compatibility with 10.2 and also whether or not the speed boost is that noticeable and worth the cost of the upgrade.

    system specs: B/W G3 450 w/ 896MB RAM
  • Reply 6 of 18
    bis22bis22 Posts: 34member
    On 10.2, do Classic applications that use RAVE run decently?
  • Reply 7 of 18

    Mac OS X 10.2's Quartz Extreme does not support PCI cards. Yes, you can use PCI cards just fine and be supported for QuickTime and OpenGL. Yes, you will get a slight boost simply from the updated gcc 3 and optimized code. However, you will not get the new features of Quartz Extreme.
  • Reply 8 of 18
    Is window resizing faster in 10.2?
  • Reply 9 of 18
    How is Active Directory usage in 10.2 and how well does it print to printers queued off a Windows server(maybe in comparison to DAVE)?
  • Reply 10 of 18
    jj_wijj_wi Posts: 22member

    Yes it's quite a bit faster, though not as fast as in 9.
  • Reply 11 of 18
    Another question: What version of Apache does 10.2 ship with for Personal Web Sharing?

  • Reply 12 of 18
    I was gonna download and install C115 on both my home and work boxes but I just don't think it's worth the effort now that the boxed copy release is less than 3 weeks away.

    Still...I've been reading conflicting reports about when QE is enabled - there was another thread on this board about how the B/W G3s with RADEON 7000s installed took advantage of QE even though they're not AGP cards - obviously not as big a boost as you'd see with a GEForce Ti card but still better than the RAGE128

    I'm also thinking of swapping out my G3 450 ZIF for a G4 550 ZIF from Powerlogix...not sure if it's worth it or if I should just take the plunge and buy new HW with 10.2 preloaded (like Apple wants everyone to do!)

    My question is: is anyone using C115 with a Blue G3? And did you upgrade your video or processor? Was it worth it or not much of a boost?

  • Reply 13 of 18
    here's another question:

    when I download a file to my Desktop (my default d/l folder), the Finder sometimes refuses to display the icon even though Explorer or Hotline or even Fetch says the download is complete.

    doing an #ls -l of my Desktop in Terminal shows the file but I still can't see it in the Finder. It eventually shows up but this didn't happen in OS 9 if I remember correctly - anyone notice this and has it been fixed in C115?
  • Reply 14 of 18
    Ok, here is one for y'all.

    10.2 is great, solid, very nice, etc. BUT!

    For some reason, it can't talk right to my printer (which worked great under 10.1.x)

    I have an HP 1220c, and every time I try to print, it stops the que. nothing ever prints. no matter what I try. Now this is really frustrating, and worrysome, considering that this is the "GM".

    Any thoughts?
  • Reply 15 of 18
    Hi all,

    This might have been addressed somewhere in the forums here, although I couldn't find it...

    I have a copy of 6C115, after installing it I can't launch IE at all or install Office X. I get some error that has to do with "Shared Library" or something like that (I don't remember the exact wording of the error) I don't know if this error appears when you try to launch other apps. Does anyone else had the same problem? Is there a fix for it, or a way to avoid it? Also, Carracho server and client were very unstable in previous 10.2 builds, any improvements with 6C115? Thanks in advance for your relpy/s!
  • Reply 16 of 18
    [quote]Originally posted by Brandon:

    <strong>I can't launch IE at all or install Office X. I get some error that has to do with "Shared Library" or something like that (I don't remember the exact wording of the error)</strong><hr></blockquote>Heh. That's what you get for pirating builds from not-so-legit sources. Seriously. That's just a problem with certain pirated copies. I've read about it all over the place.

    The official 6C115 build works fine.
  • Reply 17 of 18
    [quote]Originally posted by Robert Ziefel:

    <strong>What version of Apache does 10.2 ship with for Personal Web Sharing?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Apache/1.3.26 Server
  • Reply 18 of 18
    Anyone having problems with connecting to a network after waking from sleep using Jag? I found that after putting my Quicksilver at work to sleep overnight when I wake it in the morning it cant find the network connection (if I ping the server from terminal it finds nothing!) This never happened in 10.1. I have to reboot to get it back, logging out and back in doesnt help!! Weird :confused: <img src="confused.gif" border="0">
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