iSight FireWire

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I've been in need of a web cam for my MacPro for some time now and I've resisted the usual Logitech plop in hope of a new stand alone iSight camera for about as long as I can handle. I'm thinking about buying a used iSight from fleabay, but I'd just like to get a few opinions on them first. I know they were about the best thing you could get when they were brought out, but they're rather old now. I know the build quality will still be leagues ahead of everyone else's, but is the video quality still any good by comparison? I know it's only 640x480, but I only want it for iChat and Skype anyway. The inclusion of a decent (stereo if possible) mic is also required. The low light performance is the only thing stopping me from making my bet.


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    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,433moderator
    Webcams have gotten better - you get ones capable of recording HD:,en

    but you can't encode & stream this quality on most internet connections and chat software so you'd still be stuck with 640x480 really. The extra value would come from being able to use it for taking images but you could easily get a proper digital camera or mobile phone for that.

    For purely webcam stuff, the isight is still a very good camera IMO. I much prefer the external to the built-in ones because you can disconnect it and also point it in way more directions to catch the best lighting.

    USB cameras typically have very poor support on the Mac so it's a safe bet and it won't take up a USB port. If you don't use your firewire port, it's something to put it to use without feeling you have to keep plugging it in and out.
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