Super Drive stopped reading DVDs

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014

My Super Drive suddenly stopped reading DVDs. When I insert a blank or burned DVD, it just spits them out immediately. I have tried different types of blank DVDs. It also doesn't read DVDs I have burned with this Super Drive.

Tech specs of the Super Drive:


Firmware RevisiontAE39


Burn SupporttYes (Apple Shipping Drive)

Cachet2048 KB

Reads DVDtYes

CD-Writet-R, -RW

DVD-Writet-R, -RW, +R, +R DL, +RW

Write StrategiestCD-TAO, CD-SAO, CD-Raw, DVD-DAO

MediatInsert media and refresh to show available burn speeds

The curious thing however ist that it reads CDs. Which made me hope that it's not hardware but a software problem...

I have read on other discussion forums, that other people were having similar problems, however, they just got an error message that a blank DVD cannot be burnt. My DVDs just don't stay inside ) I haven't found anything on this issue yet.

Can anyone help, please?


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